32. Rebuild

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The next few days pass by quickly but with a lot of work to be done. All of the slaves were freed and once that was taken care of, everyone got to work cleaning up the city. The north gates doors were removed and the land shark was disposed of. Actually made a pretty good meal in the end. 

Donner and Worm managed to take apart the ship they crashed and allow the water gate to remain open. Everyone else was set on pyramid clean up. 

Julian settled on becoming the new pharaoh. His first act was giving Knightly a proper burial along with everyone else who passed during the riot. Then he appointed Cameron and Camille to be head of the new guard in the city. As for Reebok...well....

"How many times do I have to say it? No!" Kate sighed. I chuckled and stood next to Beda.

"They at it again?"

"Got to hand it to the kid, he never quits."

Reebok has been pestering Kate for days to be able to travel on her ship as part of her crew.

"I helped you guys out! There's nothing else for me in this city so I should join and be captain!"

"No! Oh and no! You are far too young to be a pirate."

He smirks "I'd still make a far better captain then you!"

"What did you say?"

Stella steps between the two of them "Alright you two that's enough! We should at least let him travel with us for a little bit. We'll take him to Zonya and he can stay there."

"See" he sticks his tongue out at Kate "Ugly blonde wants me to come along."

Stella looks bewildered then very angry. Kate holds both of her arms to stop Stella from killing the kid. The dog that Donner found interrupts by nearly tackling Stella.

"Don't forget, Boone is coming with us too." Donner pets him.

"We are not taking the damn dog!"

Boone growls at her.

"That's not very nice, weren't you taught any manners?" Kate crosses her arms. 

"Wait" Worm looks from Kate to Boone then back at Kate "Did you just understand what Boone said?"

"Well yeah, I guess." 

I kneel down next to Boone "Huh, Maybe it's cuz she's a werewolf that she understands him?"

Beda agrees "I never actually thought that would be a thing."

Kate looks puzzled "Why are you all so baffled at this?"

"You can speak to a dog, Kate!" Stella pats the top of his head "People have always wanted to speak to animals"

Boone wags his tail which seems to set Kate off "You wouldn't be happy if you knew what that mutt just said about you. Ok, focus people, we're not taking the dog and the little mongrel."

Reebok rolls his eyes "A great captain would want only the best on his crew. Guess you're just terrible."

"You little." She takes hold of his ears and everyone ignores the two of them as they continue their fight.

"What about you, Matt?"

I turn to Donner "What do you mean?"

"Kate did say you could stay and be part of our crew. At the next city you were to decide if you wanted to stay or not. Everything has settled down now, so have you made a decision?"

Alex nods and stares contently at me, waiting for an answer. I don't really have time to answer as Kate and Reebok barrel into me. Alex picks up Reebok with one hand.

Beda helps Kate and me up "Looks like you two have some decisions to make. Try to hurry up and don't make us wait forever." 

Her and I both groan out a sigh.

"Looks like you all are having fun" Thomas waves as he approaches "Came to ask you all for drink. The bar just got reopened."

Worm and Donner practically jump out of their skins. Beda does his whole manly cross of the arms and nod. Stella lightly elbows Alex "He doesn't look it but this one can drink. I'm down for a drink or two as well!"

Kate grins "Thomas, are you paying for the drinks?"

He looks at all of us "Just one, for this guy."

He wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him "The rest of you will make me go for broke so I'll trust Matt here."

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