22. The Swap

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The racers were almost all out onto the track by the time Stella found me. She seemed lost in thought because she completely ignored me when I asked if everything was alright.

"Hello?" I took hold of her shoulder to shake her out of thought.

"Oh sorry, just worrying about this plan."

"You've been with Kate longer than I have, do her plans always work? Or is this insane?"

"She always has insane plans" chuckled Stella "Sometimes they don't always go as planned but no matter what happens us wolves will get it done."

Didn't put much confidence back into this plan but it helped for now. I let Stella continue thinking about whatever it was on her mind as I looked back at the track. All racers were on the track now and that's when Pharaoh Hamet appeared. 

He stood proudly on his pedestal raising his hands to silence the crowd.

With a big booming voice he yelled "Welcome citizens of Maganti to the finals of my beloved Life race! As you all know, the winner will be granted but one wish and one wish only. The chance of a life time to receive riches beyond your wildest dreams. My faithful citizens, look down upon these six racers and praise them for coming this far as it was no simple task. As your Pharaoh I humbly wish these six my utmost appreciation and wish you all luck!"

The crowd cheered and applauded as Hamet took his seat on his throne. 

"This is no ordinary race, right?" I asked

Stella glanced my way "It's one hell of a race and I hope Kate's plan actually goes as planned." 

"It's too crazy not too" I looked out onto the race track as the countdown began and the six racers took off.


Someone approached the front gates of Maganti.

"Not watching the race with everyone?" The guard asked.

"Not much of a fan"

The guard shrugged the answer off then held up a list of names while the other guard brought out a bracelet. 


The person removed their headwear revealing their face. 

The guard grinned "Backed out didn't you? Knew you didn't have it in you. Better bring back ten times the scrap."

Once the bracelet was on a small door opened to allow Knightly to walk through and outside Maganti. 


I didn't actually believe Stella till now. This race was insane. Traps sprung everywhere causing the racers to collide into each other or use the traps to kill each other. Two had already fallen leaving four to fight for the lives. I can't believe she's taking a risk like this.


"I'll race tomorrow in your place"

Saying those words immediately through everyone off. Knightly especially couldn't believe what she was saying.

"What? Why? I can race tomorrow perfectly fine." Knightly stated. 

"I need you outside the walls of Maganti and I know you're the only one that can do this."

"I'm agreeing with him here" Beda crossed his arms "You're switching places with Knightly and telling him to leave the city. What in the world do you have planned?"

Donner spoke "Besides you don't even know how to control a sled nor Fleckals. You're not going to win, Kate."

"It's going to be tricky but Knightly you have to teach me whatever you can and fast." She faced knightly "You said before the last bit of the life race isn't exactly a race. I just have to survive on the sled the longest."

"Yes but there's death traps and with what Donner said you really wouldn't know how to survive it."

"You won't either" Kate reached up and flicked the wound above his eye. He winced placing his hand over it. Stella checked his wound making sure Kate didn't make it worse while sharing an angry glance at her.

"I can heal from a wound and have better odds at surviving than you can. Besides what I'm asking you to do is more dangerous than this race." 

He looked at her confused "What exactly are you asking me to do?"

"Guards are all over the place in the city not too mention there's a lot more patrolling the inside of the pyramid. We'll never be able to get inside and rescue everyone that's in there. We need a distraction and you are the only one capable of providing it."

"Kate" he looked at her "What exactly are you asking me to do?"


Knightly stopped the sled on top of the sand dune and peered out across the desert. Nothing but sand for miles. He reached into his bag and pulled out the bottle filled with Fleckal blood. Leaning down he poured the blood onto the sides of the sled. Once the bottle was almost empty he threw it out a head of him. The bottle shattered leaving droplets of blood scattered in the sand. Knightly grabbed the reins of the sled and waited. Nothing moved. He was sure this is where it would be. Scanning the sand he noticed movement then nothing. He gripped the reins tighter thinking it was just a trick on his eyes. Just then the sand shifted once more revealing what Knightly needed. He yelled to his Fleckals and they took off back towards Maganti.

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