9. Bloodied Water

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We all had a minute to breath. A moment to look at each other, an understanding.

A twig snapped behind Kate and she turned to meet blade for blade with the woman that was trapped in the cage earlier. Kate pushed away from her just as the bird flew down and swiped Kate's arm with its talons. The woman pulled out another sword, swung both of them in her hands, and charged at Kate again.

Worm caught the woman's arm with his whip and Alex caught the other arm. Just then that bird came back around and caught Worm with its talons this time. He tried batting it away but the woman wrangled from his whip and punched Alex in the face. This time Kate charged at her and they went all out in a sword fight. Even though the woman had two swords Kate was still holding her own against her.

"Get to the ship now!" Kate shouted. "Stella!"

Stella threw one of her knives and it hit the woman's back left leg knocking her to the ground. Kate side swiped past her and we all took off towards the ship. When the ship came into view that woman was right behind us. What is with this chick? Beda and I started pushing the boats out further into the water. Stella threw another knife this one catching the woman's arm. She instantly took the knife out and threw it back at Stella. Donner stepped in front of her and the knife went into his shoulder.

"Donner!" screamed Stella.

"Get to the ship now!" Another order from Kate as she again blocked another sword attack from the woman. Stella and Alex helped Donner get into a boat and then pushed it heading towards the ship. Beda and Worm did the same in theirs. I got in the boat and noticed that Kate had actually ran the woman over to one of the rocks ledges. That woman didn't even care about any of us, she just wanted Kate. Kate was backed up against the ledge with no where to go but the water. The woman charged forward and with one fell swoop Kate dodged and swept the sheath of her sword under the girls legs. The woman landed on the ledge and slid into the water below. Kate didn't waste a second and took off towards me. She leapt into the boat and I rowed towards the ship. Kate and I both saw the woman surface from the water and she swam back to shore. She just glared at us as Kate and I climbed onto the deck of the Baltus.

"Beda we're all set on the sails, get us out of here!" Worm shouted.

The wind carried us away quickly and once the island was out of sight Kate sheathed her sword and leaned against the mast. It was then I noticed how completely drained she was. My attention drifted to Donner when Stella yelled my name.

I had Beda and Alex look for any medical supplies on the ship.

"What was with that chick?" Worm brought us a bucket of water as Stella and I helped Donner lay down on the deck.

"I don't know but this knife went in deep. Besides that, it doesn't look like it hit anything major, I think we can pull it out safely."

Kate knelt down beside me "It's definitely going to hurt you but I'll do it quick."

Donner nodded and Stella placed a rag in his mouth to bite down on. Beda and Alex returned and handed me all the supplies they had found. We took hold of Donner's arms and legs to keep him from moving. Kate placed a hand near the wounded shoulder, gripped the knife and pulled. With her strength it came out instantly, Donner screamed through the rag. I quickly held a bandage to the wound and did my best to stop the bleeding. After what seemed like forever I finally got Donner stitched up and bandaged the wound. He had passed out by then and Beda carried him down below deck to rest. I bandaged Worm as well; he had cuts and scrapes from the talons of the bird.

That's when I noticed Kate's arm from where the bird got her.

"They're not healing." I said.

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