28. Battle of Maganti

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"You have a plan?" Donner asked as they approached the east gate, known as the water gate. They both turned to see a group of guards fighting some citizens along the docks.

"My guess is the way to open it is at the top."

"Let's get to the top then" 

Worm looked around. The water gate had two towers on either side. Each now filled with guards and citizens fighting each other. The dog that Donner rescued barked getting both of their attention. They turned to see the dog pulling on a rope to a ship. A very big ship. 

"Sail it into the gate?" Donner asked.

"Kate did say I'd crash a ship if I were to sail it." Worm nodded at they both went to work removing the tied ropes from the docks.


Beda's ax sailed against three guards, sending them backwards into a wagon "Any ideas on how to get up there?"

They both stared up at the south gate now aligned with citizens and guards fighting all around.

"Just one" Stella pulled out two knives from her boots. "Give me a lift?"

He nodded and raced forward. Thusly removing any guards in his path. Upon reaching the tower on the left side he turned, raising his ax flat over his head. Stella rushed forward, jumped onto the axe and launched into the air. She dug the knives into the tower side as she hit with a thud.

"That hurt, never doing that again." She shook off the pain. Pulling out a knife and raising it higher, kicking her boot a blade released from the front. Thusly allowing her to begin climbing to the top.


We made our way to the north gate. My leg pained me all along the way.  The land shark was now dead when we approached. Blood was draped all over the sand. It did a good number on the gate but we're gonna open it completely.

"That's our way in!" Someone shouted from the crowd as guards ran out of the right side tower.

 Alex ran forward and easily took out three guards, all without his sword. This guy is good.

 Snapping back to my own mind, I pulled out an arrow and fired it into a guard sneaking up behind Alex. I fired another arrow and another. 

Alex picked up one of my arrows and flung it at the door to the tower. It managed to wedge open the door. Alex and I, along with a few citizens ran into the door. Stopping quickly I noticed my arrow that Alex fired was impaled into the door and the tower itself. Just how strong is this guy? 


"Ready?" Worm shouted.

Donner and a few people cut into the main mast "All set!"

Taking a breathe in, Worm sailed the ship towards the water gate. Everyone on board either held on or was just knocked to the deck upon impact. The main mast fell down against the bridge between the two towers. Worm and Donner quickly climbed their way up the mast and onto the bridge. They were met with many confused looking guards.

"Good afternoon, boys." Donner kicked a guard in the shin then simply touched his shoulder. He collapsed to the ground. Worm took hold of another guards leg with a whip and pulled his feet out from under him.


"The water gate has been breached!" 

"They're at the North and South gates!"

"Send more men to the gates!"

Pharaoh Hamet put his sword through the man who said that "Anyone who leaves this pyramid will be a dead man! They're rip you all to shreds! No one opens that door!"

He wiped the blood on the now dead man's sleeve and sheathed his sword. A few of the guards looked at each other and bolted to the door. Scrambling to open it, more afraid of being near the Pharaoh then the people outside. The door of the Pyramid slowly descended upward as more guards pulled on the ropes. As soon as enough of the door was opened Kate slid through the narrow opening.

"Dammit!" Hamet retreated backwards, pushing men in front of him "I want her head on a platter! The man who kills her will get as much gold as they want!"

A few guards charged forward with spears and Kate easily took care of them. At least until more guards came barreling at her. Kate flipped over one and sliced another down his back. She tried focusing her attention on where Hamet ran off to. There. Shoving someone out of the way to pull the elevator up himself. Dodging a sword from behind, Kate jumped and kicked of a wall. Leaping over another guard she barreled through the guards, Heading straight for Hamet. 

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