𝟎𝟓𝟑 Fight or Flight

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a/n : If you've watched The Rookie, they'll probably be some scenes you recognize from 2x11, Day of Death


The truck had finally stopped moving.

It took a few minutes before Joe jumped out of the driver's seat and rounded the truck. He took his time on purpose. He wanted to see if Emery's mind was racing about why he was taking so long. Joe wanted to drive Emery insane by the end of the day. He wanted her begging to be put out of her misery.

Joe keeps his eyes on the truck door. His eyes shift to his watch. 22 hours left.

A serpent smirk forms across his lips. Joe grips the handles of the door and slides it open. Light bleeds into the dark truck and his eyes land on Emery. Joe pushes his lower lip out from the sight in front of him. Emery was sitting on her knees with Tom's head lying in her lap. The boy's face was now pale. Dry blood painted Emery's face and uniform, but obviously, she wasn't paying any attention to it. The girl wasn't paying attention to anything. She didn't even flinch when the door opened, her fingers were running through Tom's hair and her eyes were trained on his pale face.

It caused Joe's envy to flare.

Joe jumps into the truck and slams it shut. He flicks the dim lightbulb on, which slightly lit up the truck. "All right, let's get this show on the road, yeah?"

A brief silence settles in the room, but Joe could hear a small murmur escape Emery's lips. "What was that?"

Emery lifts her head. Her dark cold gaze meeting his amused one. "I said, go fuck yourself."

Joe pinched his brows together, but there was still a small smile across his lips. "Well, well, well...I put a bullet in little Tom and your morale compass is just thrown right out the window, huh?"

Emery pulls her eyes away from his and looks back at Tom. "I...t-told you he had a kid." She softly whimpers. "He deserved to get back to everyone and you still..." Emery bites her lower lip, forcing herself to keep her cries silent. She inhales a breath. "Yeah, Joe. My morale compass is out the fucking window. You don't deserve my patience or kindness anymore. Not after this."

Joe reaches behind his back and pulls out a potato sack. "We're switching locations, Em..." he crouches in front of her.

"I'm not leaving him."

"And you're making demands now?" Joe softly laughs. "Gotta admit, you're fearless...but you're not in any position to be doing that."

𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 , 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now