🪷 Chapter.7 🪷

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Y/n's POV

I looked around to search for my phone as it was ringing nonstop.

Looking at my phone which was beside me only I picked it up without looking at the caller ID


"Hello ?"
"Wake up sleepy head today's there's no shoot or anything!" Ryuji said as I sighed in relief.
"So what do you want me to do ?" I said lazily as I rolled on my bed
"Let's go out amusement park you ,me and namjoon and maybe his friends?" She asked as I thought for a moment I mean staying home will lead me to boring day and the thoughts of my stalker.

"Araseo come to pick me up !" I said keeping the call as I sighed looking at the ceiling the fact that my stalker last night snuggled me to sleep.

"What do you want from me seriously and who the hell are you ?" I Yelled in frustration but the fact that he can no more see me or her me makes me happy.

End of Y/n's POV

He watched her as she rolled on her bed lazily he couldn't help but smile in awe watching her she looks beautiful and she is cute like very very very cute.

"What do you want from me seriously and who the hell are you ?" She Yelled in frustration but suddenly she smiled lost in her own thoughts.

There was a knock on the door "yes ?" He asked not interested in who is on the door "yaa I'm going out do you wanna tag along?" Asked a voice as he sighed "araseo hyung will be there soon " he said as his brother went away.

Evening 5Pm

Y/n stood outside her building waiting for her friends to pick her up as she saw taehyung's car pulling up infront of her.

"Anyeong Y/n get in " taehyung said excited as Y/n nodded getting inside "Did jungkook didn't come ?" Y/n asked as she putted her seatbelt.

Taehyung looked at her biting his lower lip in annoyance as he smiled "he came but he is ryuji " taehyung said as Y/n nodded with a smile "let me ask you something do you perhaps like jungkook?" Taehyung asked suddenly as he drived themselves to there destination.

Y/n felt uncomfortable with his question they are not this close to ask personal questions to eachother "I'm just curious since he is my bestfriend you know " Taehyung said sounding playful as Y/n smiled "umm I'm not sure " y/n said as taehyung nodded glacing at her once as he smirked to himself driving to there destination.

Amusement park.

Ryuji,namjoon and jungkook waited for taehyung and Y/n, jungkook wanted to pick her up but he couldn't drive since his shoulder is injured taehyung is injured too but not as much as jungkook.

"Oh here they are !" Ryuji said excited as her bestfriend ran to her "let's go " taehyung said as he joined his bestfriend.

Jungkook and taehyung exchanged glances as both continued to walk behind the couple and her.

"But are you sure Mr.jeon can ride I mean isn't he hurt same with taehyung shi ?" Y/n said as jungkook looked at her his gaze sending daggers into her body why ? Cause she called him Mr.jeon and taehyung by his name.

"I'm fine but Mr.jeon is more hurt aren't you Mr.jeon ?" Taehyung teased as he smirked at his bestfriend who rolled his  eyes annoyed.

"I'll just enjoy being here by eating !" Jungkook said as everyone laughed y/n couldn't take her eyes off from jungkook as in casuals he looks handsome and hot.

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