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Maggi was ecstatic. Not only had Norma managed to kidnap Henry, she had gotten them the publicity they needed and directed the attention almost fully away from Maggi herself. When she brought Henry back, Maggi almost kissed her on the spot. She had seen on her cameras that Dan and Henry had been watching her lair. She didn't know what she was going to do, but then Norma returned. Blood on her clothes and Henry in her arms. She had emerged from the shadows with his limp form in her arms like a dark angel. Now, Maggi was watching him from the shadows, with Norma. She hadn't revealed herself as the villain yet, there was still a chance he would escape, not a high one, but still a chance. She had Samuel and Kadence questioning him. Kadence using her power to threaten, when necessary. Norma squeezed Maggi's hand, which was placed loosely in her's. Maggi had a grim scowl on her face but it lightened when she looked at Norma. A small heat had formed in her heart when she had seen Norma bring Henry to her. It was unnerving. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach at the smile Norma gave her. Maggi had always questioned whether her team would be able to hurt someone when the time came, especially Kadence, but they were all proving themselves tenfold. The only thing that ruined the moment was Henry's wails pleading for Dan to be ok. It was pathetic. Maggi would step out of the shadows and tell him so herself, but her voice changer for her villain suit was acting up. She could always wipe her existence from his memory later, but she would rather he remember the face of the one torturing him, or rather the lack of a face. She sighed and leaned into Norma. She wasn't a relatively clingy person, but it made her feel better to know someone else was with her. She didn't think she could watch her people torture her fake best friend alone. 
"Thank you, so much, Norma. You have no idea how helpful this was." Norma squeezed her hand again. 
"I didn't think I would be able to do that. It's not that I thought I was unable, I just... I didn't think I could hurt another person." Maggi nodded. 
"I know the feeling. It was similar for me at first, but then I realized you don't have to be fully bad, there are always shades of gray. The moral in between." Norma rested her chin on Maggi's head. It was oddly comforting for Maggi. She hadn't known she wanted someone to just hold her before. 
"I think that's me. The moral gray. I don't want to hurt someone for no reason, but I trust you have yours so I will." Maggi looked up at Norma's face. She deserved to know the real reason why she was doing it. 
"He put my best friend in jail. Having someone claiming that they are the savior of the town and everyone just accepting it, how could we just let that happen? That's why Sabrina was doing what she was doing. I joined because I could see where she was coming from. In her last battle, none of that was really planned. She was getting desperate. He was getting better, so she panicked. She honestly was going crazy trying to keep up with him. She was strong but her weakness was knowing where everything was and having full control of every particle in space was driving her crazy. She was going to get herself killed. I'm a little glad she got put in jail where she wouldn't be called crazy over and over behind her back. I didn't want to end up having to turn her in, but if it went on any longer, I might have had to." Maggi could feel the tears running down her face, but she only really registered them when Norma brushed one off. 
"She meant a lot to you didn't she?" 
Maggi nodded. "She was everything for a long time. But she didn't want me in the same way I wanted her." Norma brought her face up to meet her eyes. Maggi could see the question in her eyes. "She was aro/ace. She would never want me in the way I wanted, but I stuck around because she was my best friend." Norma nodded and wrapped Maggi up in a big hug. 
"I hope you are able to grow past all of that. We can rule the world together. I promise, I will do anything and everything I can to help you and your cause." A darkness Maggi hadn't seen before passed over Norma's face. It was honestly very attractive to Maggi. She glanced down at Norma's lips and gulped. How could she want to kiss someone so much? Norma noticed and smiled. It wasn't condescending, it was encouraging. So, Maggi leaned in and tentatively pressed her lips to Norma's. She stood like that for a minute, not moving, before breaking away. She was flushed red, they both were. Norma broke the silence with a breathy laugh. 
"You're adorable." Maggi threw her arms around Norma's middle and just stood there.

Thank you for reading! Sorry this one is a little rushed, but I am leaving for a few days so I needed to get something out into the void that is Wattpad.

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