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Maggi stared in horror as her best friend's secret identity was revealed. Sabrina had not mentioned that she was going to do that. Her eyes teared up as her friend was knocked out and arrested. Maggi couldn't believe it. Her best friend in the whole word had been locked up. Not only that, but Henry, part one of the couple everyone in school envied, was the esteemed Exodus. Maggie looked to the floor. The same spot where not even four hours ago she and Sabrina had been plotting. She would take out Exodus, Henry, then they would rule the world together. Maggi as her right hand man. Her brother barged into the room at that moment. Picking the most inopportune moment. 
"Did you know!?" He shouted at her. He was three years over and worked on the police force. Maggi unconsciously shook her head. No one had to know she had. The tears in her eyes seemed to be enough evidence. He shook his head. "I guess she had everyone fooled." She stared at the floor in front of her. Her mind was racing but still at the same time. She knew what she had to do from that point on. She smiled and shook her head. 
"Why did she lie to me...?" Her voice trailed off. Her brother came and wrapped his arms around her. 
"I don't know, but I am on the interrogation team. I will find out why, and who knew." Maggi leaned into him, she knew. She would never let anyone know. She would guard the secret. The only way anyone would know, is if Sabrina talked. Maggi knew she wouldn't. They had made sure of that. Maggie wasn't a villain, but she definitely was an anti-hero. She would change. She would support Henry. She would go to the ends of the earth to not go to jail. She knew she wouldn't Sabrina may have been the main face, the one with the flashy power, but Maggi was the one behind all the elaborate plans. She did have a power, but it doesn't help with combat, not like Sabrina's did. Maggi could see and tamper with memories. She could also trap people in their memories, or the memories of people close to them. She had never used this power on anyone but Sabrina, no one except her even knew Maggi had a power. Sabrina had needed a secret for a secret. Maggi sniffled and sat up. 
"I need to get some fresh air. I'll be back later." She got up, and without another word, left the small apartment. She got on her bike and pedaled to the scene of the battle. She could see the small dent Sabrina had left when she trapped Exodus. She saw the police tape and sighed. At least one thing was normal about that battle. The scenes would always get so messy. The two, Exodus and Captain Night, never held back when fighting each other. Sabrina had never wanted to kill him. She could have easily done that. She got caught on purpose. Well, maybe not entirely. She knew Sabrina hadn't expected the punch so soon. She had expected to destroy the city and get Maggi and herself to safety, which she could have done at anytime. People would have noticed, but they wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. 
"Excuse me, miss. I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you to leave." She whipped around and a police officer was standing there. "Oh! Maggi." He looked almost sorry for a minute. "I know you probably aren't in a good head space right now, but I really need you to go." She sighed. 
"I know. I just wanted to see, in person, the place it happened." Her voice was soft, almost like she had just screamed for an hour. Which she wanted to do. He nodded and she got back on her bike. She pedaled to the warehouse Sabrina and her had used for a "secret base". The beanbags and tables were strewn all over. Pillows and papers were piled high on top of them. She knew she shouldn't have come. This place wouldn't be discovered even if they searched each and every one of the neighboring warehouses. If the person entering wasn't with either Maggi or Sabrina, a portal would open and send the person plunging into the endless, crushing void of space. Maggi had always loved space, and that was before she got a crush on Sabrina. She always knew it was a lost cause. Sabrina was aromantic and would never like Maggi back. That didn't stop her, though. Maggi sucked in a breath as she felt a tear race down her face. She collapsed onto a beanbag and sobbed into it. She didn't what she was crying more for. The she lost the first, best, and only friend she had ever had, or that she had revealed herself. By her own free will! She could see the logic behind it. Sabrina hadn't wanted a Scooby Doo moment. That didn't mean it hurt any less. 
"Why did you do it?" She asked into the silence. Her voice felt to loud for the quiet. She took a deep, ragged breath before standing up. She wiped her eyes and left the place, for good. She scowled into the darkness. I won't let you rot in prison, Sabrina. I will save you, or burn down the city trying. 

Thank you for reading! The reason I reposted the last part was because I went back through and found many spelling errors. I couldnt let those just sit when they were so bad! XD Well, I hope you enjoyed!

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