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Maggi slumped onto her bed after school. She realized that hanging out with anyone other than Sabrina was draining. She pulled her curls into a tight braid before opening her computer. She typed in Henry's name and scrolled through his instagram. She found a few pictures of him and Dan, and a few of a dog. He seemed like a typical teenage boy. She sighed and typed Exodus into her search engine. She saw a definition of the word, the road out or a departure, and many fan pages for him. She clicked on the first one and sighed. She was back where she had always been. There was row upon row of words describing his fighting technique and the people he's battled, just Captain Night. Speculations on his possible weaknesses, fan clubs he has, and costume changes. There were many pictures of him throughout the years. He had started out quite young, when Sabrina had started to develop her plans. It was before she had brought Maggi into her inner ring. Maggi sighed and clicked off to find another website. It wasn't anything she hadn't seen before. She had gone through all of the websites a million times before scheming up plans for Sabrina to use. Maggi had sometimes wished that she could be the one revealed as the mastermind behind it all. It was just a wish. She knew she could do more from in Sabrina's shadow. It was where she belonged. She was the more powerful, anyway. She knew that. Anything anyone threw at her she would overcome and come out victorious. She would lie her way out of any accusations thrown her way during the next few weeks. She had always been good at that. She smiled to herself. That was why Sabrina liked her, well, not the only reason. She had saved her a few years ago. Bullies never stood a chance against the two of them, not with Maggi's power. Not that anyone knew she had it. Sabrina had always needed a long rest after a practice with it. Maggi knew she had the power to fully traumatize someone. She also knew she could be a great detective, or interrogator. Memories were fragile things. One small prod and someone could unravel. She had gotten a look into Dan's. He was a bisexual nobody before he met Henry. He had a few friends and a girlfriend until she cheated on him for his ex-best friend. He had, somehow, drawn Henry's attention. They were best friends until Dan asked the big question. Then they were boyfriends. Maggi rolled her eyes. His story wasn't one she hadn't seen already a thousand times before. It got old. When people didn't have a unique or intriguing backstory. Maggi had known Sabrina was Captain Night for a long time before she had actually told her. Lost in thought, she heard a knock at the door. 
"Yeah?" She called out. Her mother poked her head inside and smiled sadly. 
"How are you doing?" Maggi would normally ask what she was talking about, but there was only thing she could be. 
"Oh, you know. My best friend lied to me. She got arrested. She's the supervillain. The usual."  Her mom sighed.
"Dumb question, sorry. Do you need anything?"
"Maybe just to be left alone. I need to have time to think." She nodded and got up.
"Do you want a snack? I can bring an apple or popcorn." Maggi shook her head and her mom backed out. She sighed and got back to her screen. She clicked the search engine and paused. She didn't know what she was going to do. She could probably get the blueprints for the prison from one of her contacts, but she needed to wait some time. Maybe she would pay Sabrina a visit. She would probably need to wait for that as well. She couldn't just go barging into the prison a day after she was arrested demanding to see Sabrina. It wouldn't be allowed. She could write to her, though. She could write it in their code. She could get it past the police without detection. Maggi had written their code in a way that not even the best officer could crack it. It was a precaution she was glad she had taken. Sabrina had said it was ridiculous in the moment, but she had complied and learned it. It would prove to her. Maggi would make it clear that she was Sabrina's only way out of prison. Maybe that made her shallow, but who cared really. She was the villain now.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I hope I'm not moving to fast, I just have a really good plot for this one!

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