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"How's your food?" Henry inquired. He had made it from scratch based off of a recipe from some website. It was chicken alfredo lasagna rolls. He had been nervous to try them, from what he saw on the recipe, it was quite strange. 
"It it delicious, Henry. I wouldn't lie to you." The other boy sighed in relief. Dan smiled. His boyfriend was always eager to try new things. However, he was always self conscious afterward. "I really like Maggi. I don't know how we haven't gotten to know her yet. It's almost like I don't even remember ever seeing her outside of school, or anywhere!" Henry complained. Dan nodded. He had realized that the only memories he had of her, were with Sabrina. What if she was Sabrina's side kick? The thought was as random as any other shower thought, but it stuck. She may have said she had no idea Sabrina was Captain Night, but what if she had been lying? He almost laughed at the absurdity. She wasn't a villain. She didn't even have superpowers. She couldn't. He dismissed the thought from his mind and focused on eating. 

After doing the dishes from dinner, he and Henry curled up on the couch to watch their trashy romance films. Henry only lasted for half of a movie before he fell asleep on Dan's shoulder. He smiled lovingly at the sleeping form. He wondered how any one person could ever be so peaceful. He leaned forward slightly to get the remote to turn the movie off. He clicked the buttons and set the remote back down. Leaning Henry forward, he picked him up and carried him to their bed. He was thankful that they had already gotten into their pajamas, or it would be more of a hassle to get him into bed. Henry stirred for a moment after Dan set him down on the bed before falling back into a calm slumber. Dan climbed in next to him and put an arm around him. Before he knew it, he was asleep too. 

The next day was slow and tedious as they waited for lunch. They didn't have any classes with Maggi or anything interesting to focus on. Dan nearly fell asleep in his math class. But, when the bell for lunch finally rang, both he and Henry burst out of the room to get to the library. That was where they were going to meet her. She was waiting in the same place as the day before, but with her curls in tight braids they hadn't seen her as they had before. 
"So, are we going to continue to eat in here? Or do you two want to get back to your soccer friends?" The two boys glanced at each other briefly. 
"They haven't stopped talking about the fact that I'm Exodus. So, if they stop, then we'll join them again. You can too, if you want!" Dan smiled. 
"I'm actually surprised that you are acting as cool as you are. I figured just about everybody would be buzzing about it. I mean, the secret identity of the esteemed Exodus had finally been revealed and you aren't at least a little excited or bewildered?" She shrugged. 
"I had my theories. I figured it had to have been someone from our school. It had to be a male, or someone who has male characteristics. And, it had to be someone with charisma. I know how masks can make you more confident, or whatever. The secrecy of no one knowing who you really are is freeing, but, even then you had to of had a basis to go off of. My theories were you, Dan, Kaden, Levi, or Markus. All of them are similar to you two. They all have athletic builds, lets be honest you didn't make the suit that tight without a reason, they all are somewhat popular, and they all know their way around town. All the more reason to believe that one of you had to have been Exodus. And I was right." Dan was blown away by the length of research that had clearly gone into finding out who Exodus was. She clearly had resources and the brain to go about it right. He smiled. 
"You are very smart. I never realized that." He had known that she was passing, well above passing, her classes, but he hadn't realized that she was street smart, too. 
"Thank you. Not many people do." She smiled. "I guess that's why she got caught in the end. Captain Night, I mean." 
"What do you mean by that?" Henry asked. "I always thought her plans were very well thought out." Dan nodded in agreement. No one ever really knew what or when she was going to attack next. She kept everyone on their toes. 
"While that may have been true, she lacked precision. Her plans may have been good, but if she can't carry them out, then it is all useless in the end. A good mind does nothing if you aren't calculating and patient. Wait for the opportune moment." She smiled, almost grimly. Dan was unnerved to say the least. 
"What else did you know about Captain Night?" He asked, suspiciously. 
"I didn't know she was Sabrina if that's what your asking. I was just interested in her plans and other tactics she had. The only other real fault of hers, was she relied to heavily on her powers. They are nice to have, every now and then. But if you are relying on them to save you, that's when you know that they won't last much longer." Dan smiled. 
"I think I'm going to like you very much. You can help us if another villain shows up! They won't stand a chance against us!" Henry was very enthusiastic. Maggi smiled.
"Maybe. How do you know another villain will even reveal themself?" Dan shrugged. 
"You never do until they are right there." Dan jumped at the sound of the bell. "Sorry, I've gotta run. I'm going to be late if I wait too long." He gave Henry a peck on the cheek and ran out. I can't be late again!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I love writing this story it is so much fun already!

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