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Finding Samuel had been surprisingly easy. She had just followed him into the shopping mart before she ran into Dan. She lost him after that. She kicked a rock on her way down the street. The supermarket was a stupid idea. She couldn't have talked to him in public anyway. Besides, she couldn't flirt her way to an empty room. She was pretty, but not that pretty. She rolled out a kink in her neck and bent down to fiddle with her shoe. She glanced behind and smiled. He was following her. She knew being obvious about it would be good. She stood back up, hands in her pockets, and continued on her way. She turned into a gas station and he followed. She browsed through the snack section and grabbed a pack of pistachios. She payed and walked out the door. She ducked into an alleyway and waited. As she suspected, he rounded the corner and paused. He glanced behind him briefly before turned back to her. 
"What do you need?" She asked, gently, but not kindly. He stared her down before approaching further.
"Why were you following me?" She could tell he knew he would meet her here, but he hadn't known when. 
"I just wanted to talk, however, I got....otherwise engaged before I could reach you." He seemed intrigued. "If you would come a little closer, into the alley I mean, I can tell you everything. However, I need your word that you'll keep what I say discrete. I can't have just anyone knowing what I'm about to say. Also, don't use your powers, I can't have you passing out on me." He seemed surprised at her knowledge of his powers.
"Who are you?" He demanded it with the authority of someone who knows more than he's letting on. 
"Just a concerned observer. So, will you, or won't you?" He took a tentative step forward, then another. He continued until they were face to face. She smiled. "I would like to recruit you. I am a big fan of Captain Night's work. I am forming a team of new faces to go against Exodus." He looked shocked. 
"And why would I join you?" She shrugged. 
"You have no reason to, but just know, I have studied every individual in this god-forsaken city, and you, are one of three top candidates. Of course, I could always pass the invitation on to the next self righteous, super powered individual." He looked to the sky, clearly thinking. She knew what his answer would be before he said it.
"What's in it for me?" 
"I can give you what you most desire, pure undivided attention. With almost no ulterior motives. I can give any attention needed." He seemed suspicious. 
"How do you know that's what I most desire." He said with an over-exaggerated strain on the last words. 
"I do my research. Unless, of course, you don't want that? I could always give you something else. Money, power, almost anything. I cannot give you my romantic feelings, for I am saving that for someone else." His eyes gave away that he was weighing his options. He knew it was a good deal. He knew she could train him in ways he couldn't even imagine. She smiled when his eyes met hers.

Revealing to him the secret location of her and Sabrina's hide-out was risky. She paused him before the door and put his hand in hers. She pulled him through and immediately dropped it. She walked to the beanbag in the corner and pulled it aside. She smirked at his hesitance and shrugged. 
"If you want to test your luck with the void on the way out, be my guest. I, however, will be down here where I can better equip myself." She walked down the ramp, that the beanbag had revealed, and down into their weaponry and training room. She heard his footsteps as he followed and she walked to the giant computer screen against the south wall. She brought up every security camera in the city and scanned them for who she was looking for. She pointed to the girl on the screen. 
"Do you know this girl?" She asked. He stepped up behind her and frowned. 
"Yes. What do you want with her?" Her smile grew. 
"I need you to bring her to me. I need to speak with her." He crossed his arms. 
"I just got here and you're already asking me to do stuff." She shrugged and grinned. 
"I like to get stuff done. I don't waste time." He smiled, faintly. 
"Well, can't say I'm not attracted to a woman who takes what she wants. I can get her here. Would you like it to be by her own accord or no matter what?" She frowned, the corners of her mouth turning down. 
"I would prefer her to come on her own. But, if she doesn't want to, then you will not make her. Just say, that your employer or boss sent you. Bring her here, but do not bring her through the door. Just trust me on that. I am the only one who can get you through it without you falling through into the void of space." He looked like he wanted to ask, but thought better of it. I'll tell you eventually. she thought. "However, I do need you to wait a day or two. I need time to prepare for her. One person at a time. Your powers are all so unique, I'll need to prepare this place for her's." He shrugged and moved to look around the room. She logged out of the computer and turned around to watch him so he wouldn't try anything. He could still go back enough to their encounter in the alley. He could still change his mind, for at least a few more minutes. Once the clock on the wall hit four p.m., he could no longer go back far enough to change his mind. She didn't want to make him into a lackey or sidekick, but sometimes it was useful to have someone to do things for you. She was going  to remain anonymous for a considerable amount of time, at least until after a battle or two. If any of them got caught in one of those and knew her name....She couldn't have that.  
"I wouldn't worry, she isn't even that strong." He rolled his eyes and glared at the floor. She raised an eyebrow at him but didn't ask, she wouldn't pry if he wouldn't. But, she did need to ask the most important question. 
"What do you want as your payment?" He turned towards her slowly. 
"I want what you originally offered." His face was flushed red. She smiled sweetly. 
"Well, then, Samuel. I can do that." She walked up to him and lowered her eyes. "What kind of attention do you want? I've gotta say, I'm not amazing at flirting or anything relatively close, but I don't mind physical touch or just compliments, or even just listening!" She realized she was rambling and promptly shut her mouth. He was looking anywhere but at her. 
"I don't know yet, but I'll tell you went I want it." She nodded and walked back to the screen. She logged in, once again, and pulled up the cameras at the nearest prison. She switched through her feed until she found Sabrina. Her dark brown and red hair was matted and her clothes were filthy, her prison uniform, that is. The sight nearly brought tears to her eyes. 
"Is that..." Samuel trailed off in a way that suggested he did know who she was. She nodded. "So that means you're..." She glared hardly into his eyes. 
"Be careful how you finish that sentence. I can do things you can't even imagine." She could tell that he was startled at her reaction. "I could tell you my name and make you forget it in the same instance. Do not test me." He nodded. 
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. I don't know why you won't tell me your name, but I trust you will in time." She whipped back to the screen and switched to the cameras she put in her own house. Her brother was pacing in the kitchen. 
"I don't know what I can do to help her, or get her to talk to us. She seems to be blocking us out. Ever since she lost Sabrina, she hasn't been as bubbly or friendly. I know she wasn't that type of person in general, but she was happier with Sabrina. I don't know what to do, Mom." Maggi's mom sighed. 
"I don't know, Jake. I think it was right that Sabrina was arrested. I mean, she was a lovely girl. But she hurt a lot of people. If she hadn't been arrested, she would have hurt more. I know it hurts Maggi, but it was the right thing." Maggi sighed, disheartened. She thought that her own family might have been on her side, but it seems the only people who were, were the people she was recruiting to rescue her and challenge Exodus, Henry, for the rights to the City. She saw Samuel glance at her out of the corner of his eye, but she payed it no heed. Who cares who he thinks she is. She could easily erase it if it grew to dangerous. She sighed. 
"Samuel, I know you think you know who I am. I need you to promise that no matter what, you won't dig into that until I tell you. I can't have the police arresting me because you got caught and blabbed a name. I need you to promise that. That is the last thing I'll ask of you, for now." He nodded. 
"I promise." She nodded and turned. 
"Come one. We need to get home, we are teenagers after all. And remember, you tell no one anything." He nodded and they left.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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