10th Script

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10th Script

The 10th Script is a vast realm, a "Scripture" or "Book" of how everything below is done. It could be seen as a higher version of a 5th Outcome Player whom is an Author of a story, even if that story exceeded itself. However the 10th Script, involves a lot more than just this simple explanation, allow me to enlighten you dear reader who's gotten this far, it's time for you to meet the Resplendent 5, or more fittingly called, the Originator 5, the Truest forms of the Ultimate Rulers, but not Creators. It should be noted these 5 I am about to talk about *are* higher than most Honorary Creators, but are lower than the Actual Creators and were created by the One True Creator in his desire for infinite sources of never ending entertainment boundless by all forms including those that are already boundlessly boundless. But first, let me explain these special people's domains.


Everything, so far that we know from the 2nd World, the 1st World, the 3rd World, the 4th Dimension, the 5th Outcome, the 6th Shell, the 7th Inbetween, the 8th Plane, the 9th Bubble, this includes the entire "outer space" that you see, are all condensed into one entire "Texture" on something, you can think of the world as a blank canvas, and with every paint stroke you make a "Texture", you can make a single stroke, a small one, a big one, you can put some strokes over others, even mix colors together to create entirely new stroke ideas. Each texture is an entirely separate Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, or form of reality dependent on the makers creation of it. You could say if they were all within the surface of a single planet which holds an Infinite Layer of Textures. If one were to escape every texture you would have a good view of the planet of Textures you walk upon, and if you were to leave the planet, you would see space and other worlds just like our normal solar system just about, only every planet is also yet another reality, another world with another infinite amount of textures.

Contradictory to this information, each Texture you are familiar with appear to be "Fraction" or "Quarter" Textures, as in, the entire Originator-verse contained within a single planet, is also only yet another texture all in its own solar system, which expands infinitely outward as well, why it can be called a quarter texture, which leads to the solar system half texture, or the Galaxy's 3/4ths Texture, and finally that Universes Full Texture, the full painting on the Canvas. All of which was created by the "Painter", which makes these Infinite Cardinal and Ordinal Surpassing Originated Verse's Bounded by nothing. and yet the Painter is just one part of the Product. It should be noted Textures similar to the 7th Inbetween also exist in various forms and within every lower dimension even textures that are just limited to the 2nd World or 3 Worlds. It should also be noted that The Painter is not the only entity that can make textures as all Creators and Originators are able to do so. Textures may also be replicated by a 5th Outcome Player or 9th Bubble Awakened Dreamer should their imagination allow them to create such a space.

10th Script Tiers

Whilst a Honorary Creator will most likely remain a 9th Bubble Entity or below, a Original 10 Creator or a High Honorary Creator dependent on their power given which is decided on their connection, bond, and abilities upon becoming an Honorary Creator with the One True Creator. Those entities may exist within the 10th Script or Above, yet may be limited in a way or form depending on the situation.

In terms of ranking this should go;

"High Honorary Creator" Honorary Creators that were chosen to become a Honorary Creator whilst having a good connection with the One True Creator, these Honorary Creators whether or not they know if they are a higher one could be seen as the True Creators "Favorites" or more elegantly "Favored". Whether or not a High Honorary Creator can become higher than a Original Creator remains to be seen, however seeing as a simple Mortal from the 2nd World can reach here or a Entity such as yourself can read here, it may not be truly impossible as the Original 9 make it seem.

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