chapter thirty one

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*jacks pov*

we're currently taking a break for lunch so i decided to call savannah to see how her first day back to work went. i called her but it just kept ringing, she had texted me when she left work to let me know she'd uber home. she's always on her phone so im confused why she isn't answering. i called her again, still no answer.

"yo g, have you talked to savanah?" sam asked. i looked at him with a confused faced, "no i was actually calling her and she isn't answering." i said. "nicole isn't answering either." he said. we both looked at each other with instant panic. "do our cameras outside still work?" i asked johnson. "last time i checked they did but they go in and out sometimes." he says.

i quickly open the camera app, it loaded super slow. while it loaded sam and johnson called the girls. the camera finally loaded and all i saw was cop cars and ambulances all over the front yard. my heart instantly dropped. sam looked at my phone and his face dropped.

"we need to leave now." i said. johnson told our manager what was going on and we all left. i soon get a call from savannahs mom.

"jack honey?! are you okay?! what happened to savannah!" she said panicking over the phone. "Ms montano i don't know! im not with her, she just got home from work and i was in rehearsals!? what did the police say when they called you?!" i asked.

"jack sweetie call me luna, they didn't want to tell me anything they only asked if i lived down here and that i need to be at the hospital but i can't get there that fast!" she says. "im on my way now to the hospital. do you know anything about her ex boyfriend?" i asked her.

"please don't tell me he's doing this to her.. how long has this been happening?" she said. "it started the night before we left PR. she didn't want to worry you back home. i'll explain everything when i get information we just got to the hospital." i said.

"jack please make sure my baby is okay, im looking for the next fight out now." she said. "i promise to always protect her." i said before i hung up.

my heart racing as we walked into the emergency room. as we were about to tell them who we were looking for but we see nicole sitting on the chair crying. sammy ran to her and embraced her into a tight hug. she looked defeated. she looked at me and tears started to form more.

"nicole what happened." i said feeling my own tears forming. she let go of sammy and walked towards me, "he was in the house." she said. i looked at her confused, "what do you mean he was in the house?" i asked.

"family of savannah montano" a nurse said out loud. we all piled up to her, "who's related to her?" she asked. nicole walked up quickly. we just stood by to listen to what she said. "okay, savannah is okay she has a minor concussion from the fall but other than that she is fine. you guys are welcome to see her, only one person at a time." the nurse said. nicole sighed softly and thanked the nurse.

"jack go see her." she says. i looked at her and thanked her. i don't think i could wait any longer to see her. the nurse walked me to her room, savannah was slowly waking up as the nurse in the room was handing her some medication, maybe for the pain.

"savannah.." i said softly. her eyes lit up and tears stared streaming down. i walk up closer to her and held her hand. i softly kissed her, she instantly kissed back. "baby im so sorry i wasn't there for you." i say softly.

"don't be sorry, im fine jack." she says softly. my heart still hurts to see her like this. she had a small bump on her head, and a slight red mark on her neck. "savannah what's that?" i said pointing to her neck.

"he had me at knife point.." she says looking down. i looked at her in shock. i felt anger forming. "where is that asshole?!" i said. she looked at me, "the cops got him, they actually caught him." she says crying. i slid a chair next to her and sat down to kiss her hand. "i feel free jack, i feel like i can actually breathe now." she says.

"i will make sure he never makes it out. i promise you." i said. she smiled and squeezed my hand. "your mom is flying in tonight." i said. she looked at me shocked, "how does she know?!" she asked. "it looks like the police were able to contact whoever is related to you" i said. she looked at me and froze.

"wait... you don't think they tried calling my dad.." she said. i looked at her and realized that they probably did. "let's not get to that, gets some rest baby. i'm sure tomorrow you'll be able to go home. i'll let everyone know how you're doing and i'll be back to stay the night." i said. "jack you don't have to sleep here im okay." she says.

"yea i don't think im leaving you out my sight again." i said. "for now. but once tour starts yes you will." she said sternly. i chuckled and nodded. i walked out the room and met up with everyone.

i told everyone how's she's doing and they all were happy that she's good. nicole explained to me everything that happened, it truly broke my heart that they went through that. i hugged nicole so tight, it felt like my girlfriend and sister were in danger and i couldn't be there for them.

just as we all were going to take a seat, some guy comes in frantically talking to receptionist. i ignored it and sent a message to Luna to let her know how savanah is doing, she said she found a flight that departs in two hours but she paid for wifi on the flight so she'd get updated. i'm surprised she was able to find a flight so fast.

"will someone please help me?!! how do i get a call that my daughter was attacked and no one will give me answers?!" the guy shouted. it caught nicole's attention. until i saw her face become more and more mad. "what the hell are you doing here?!" she screamed in the man's face.

"nicole?! where's savanah?" he asked. no fucking way this is savannahs dad. i walked up behind nicole to calm her down.

"you think because your name is on her birth certificate as her dad makes you have the right to be here? get the fuck out." she said. "don't you dare talk to me like that. she knows i'm her dad and i always loved her." he said

"what dad leaves her at four months old? then tries to rekindle the relationship when she's older? why do you think she never answers you?! why do you think she makes me go see you so you could leave her alone?" nicole said shoving the guy while tears came out her eyes. i softly grabbed nicole, "she wants nothing to do with you! you're nothing but a deadbeat dad!" she shouted.

it look like nicole's words hurt him more than i thought it would. "i wouldn't be down here if i didn't care! she's my daughter for crying out loud!" he said. "i can't believe you have the balls to show up here. she knew nothing about you growing up! she doesn't know you live here? she doesn't need you!" she said.

"maybe if i were in her life she wouldn't be here to begin with." he said with a snarky attitude. which pissed me off. so i had to step in, "well if you were in her life she wouldn't have this kind of support system she has now. savannah was doing amazing without you, living a beautiful life with her mother! not only does she have nicole by her side she has me. she has them, who'd never leave her side, unlike you." i added. he looked at me with a disgusted face.

"and who are you to talk for her?" he said. "her boyfriend. the one who plans to keep her safe since her own father left her. she learned to trust me after her history of male figures who have only disappointed her. so please leave her alone, like nicole said she wants nothing to do with you." i said.

"i will not leave until i get to see her." he said. "you know what jack let's not waste our time on this man." nicole said grabbing my hand to walk back towards our friends.

what a douche bag.

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