Chapter 5: RUN

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Pov: Minho

The darkness vanished as the lights came on. Ok, maybe Apollo is kinda cool, I think as I look around. Then I see something nasty coming from behind Thomas. "Thomas, watch out" I yell as some gross ass monster comes lunging at the fence, and Thomas runs back to us. "Ugh, what happened to her eyes" Apollo says in shock. All of a sudden something comes running out making this horrible screaming noise.

It starts running at us, so I pick up a metal rod and hit it in the face. It went flying to the ground with a screech as we ran by. We ran out the door we came in as more of those crank things tried following us. "Minho" Apollo called and pointed, "Push over that cabinet". I saw what he was talking about and ran to push it over. "Thomas get out of the way" I shouted as I pushed the cabinet over.

Out of nowhere these other cranks started chasing us, and we made a run for it.

Pov: Amelia

"Yo what's going on" Winston asked as everyone sees that the lights are on. "Not a single clue man" James replies. All of a sudden we see Thomas, Minho, and Apollo running towards us screaming something. "What are they screaming" Sally asked.

"GO, RUN, GO" Thomas screamed as some weird ass creatures ran after them screaming. We all took that hint and ran. Damn those things are fast, I thought as I ran full speed up the escalator. As we ran, Newt got attacked by one of those crank things. "Newt" I yelled and Thomas ran up and kicked \ the crank off. "Thanks Tommy" Newt said. We ran into another store and out the back. As we ran the cranks began to follow us. "I thought they were stupid" James yelled.

We get to a set of doors that are all locked until Frypan starts to charge a loose one. "I'll hold them back" Winston says raising the gun. "Come on Frypan" I scream. At that Frypan gets the door open and we run through. Winston is the last out and gets attacked by the cranks. They claw at his stomach creating big wounds. "Winston" Thomas yells. We manage to pull him out and I help him up to Newt and Frypan. "Come on you two, lets go!" I yell at Thomas and Minho.

I start full sprinting out of the building but slow down to see if everyone is accounted for. Then I feel someone grab my hand and shout to keep running. I look to see who it is because I hate when anyone grabs my hand. It was Minho, and I felt myself blush when I saw him. We reach an area where we can hide. We squat down and I feel Minho's hand on my arm, and his chest on my back. I was happy it was dark or everyone would've seen how hard I was blushing.

"Hey, you ok?" Minho whispered to me. Omg his whisper is so hot, wait no don't do that, I thought to myself. "Yeah I'm ok" I whisper back smiling. He smiled back.

HE SMILED BACK, SQEEEEAAAALLLL, My head was on fire because he smiled at me.

I started getting tired, even if I was scared shitless, and found myself lying on Minho's  chest. "Oh my bad, I'll move" I say, getting up to move. "Hey, hey, you're perfectly fine. Just stay there" He replied.

I woke up with a start, but I can't remember what woke me. It was still dark, so I nuzzled back into Minho's chest. I went back to sleep with this giddy feeling, but was cut short when I remembered that I should focus more on escaping rather than boyfriends and what not.

"Hey, go, get outta here" Thomas yelled at a bird picking at our food. This was definitely enough to wake me up. I sat up fixed my hair back into braids and then stared, intensely I might add, at Minho, and then back to the surroundings. "You enjoying the view?" Minho asks with a smirk. YES DUH, I think to myself. "No, just making sure you aren't dead yet because you're a good pillow" I respond. He laughs and starts to get up because Thomas asks us to.

We begin to hike into the abandoned city looking for anyone or anything to help us. I try making conversation with Minho, but he doesn't seem interested. I give my brother a look to help me out. He sees my look and understands immediately. "Hey Amelia, come here" my brother calls. As soon as I walk back I sigh and give my brother a relieved look. "Thanks, that was so awkward" I say. "Yeah you're good" August replies. As we walk I begin to hear things, like flying things, but I shake it off thinking stress is what's playing tricks on my mind.

As we were walking Thomas seems to hear the same thing. "Whoa, Whoa" Thomas says abruptly, "Hear that?". We all stand around listening, but I give him a look knowing I knew exactly what he was thinking. The noise began to get louder and then we all knew what it was. "Get down! Everybody hide, hide, get in here" Thomas yelled. We hid under broken concreate, and for some strange reason I was back to being by Minho. Well my back was to his chest again. We looked at each other, and then I blushed a little and looked away.

"Hey are you good?" Minho asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine" I responded. We watched as WCKD's aircraft went over us. "There never going to stop looking for us are they?" James asked. Nobody responded because we all knew the answer. As we kept walking I felt paranoid that someone or something was going to come after us. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Minho asked jogging up to me. "Yeah, sure I guess" I said, hoping it would be a good thing. "Look, with what happened back there, and then last night, I just wanted to tell you that we can't keep doing that" He said.

I just nodded my head at him. "I can't have anything with anyone right now, especially out here" He said. "No, I understand completely" I reply, trying to hide my obvious disappointment and hurt. "Ok, cool" He said in an awkward tone. Ok Cool?!?! That's all he has to say? I should've never let myself feel that way, I thought angrily. Then Minho jogged back to Newt as August jogged up to me. "Hey, what happened, you look like Rosa that one time when the newbie killed her flowers" August asked. 


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