Chapter 3: The Escape

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Pov: Amelia

I wake up from a dreamless sleep to see my friends getting up and getting ready for the day. I go to shower and I put my hair in two braids. I always did that in the maze. Even if the front two pieces of my hair fell out. As I got back into our dorm I decided to tell my friends about what I saw.

"Oh Amelia, you're joking right?" August says with a slight joking, yet almost worried tone. "Yeah, you've been wrong about these things before." Sally says in that awful sound she calls her "voice". I hate her, mainly because of James but whatever.

"Well she isn't always wrong" Apollo says, finally taking my side for once in his entire life. "Look I know it sounds crazy but I'm not lying. There was bodies, I'm not that blind, come on!" I say raising my voice. It was so hard to get them to believe me sometimes.

"Well I don't disagree because they have some odd stuff here" James said. YASSSSS, James agree with me, I thought in excitement. Just then the guards tell us that we can get food. As we walk to the cafeteria, it seems like we've been in the dorm forever.

As we get in line for our food trays, I see Thomas's group of boys getting in line. I make eye contact with Minho and I blush really hard. He's so hot and he makes me nervous.

Get a grip, he likes to embarrass and make fun of you, but he looks so hot, I debate in my head.

"Helloooo" James says as he waves his hands in front of my face, "Hey cutie, you've been staring at your tray for 15 minutes, you ok?" He asks.

Hahahaaaa, he called me cutie, omg Amelia no stop, he was just making out with Sally and she hates you, I thought as she sat down next to James.

Sally gave me a glare as she sat down. "Sorry I was just thinking about what I saw" I said. "Ok Amelia we don't actually know if that's true, maybe it is something else" Rosa said. Just as she said that, Thomas slams his fist down on the table and tries to leave with the group that just got called out. The guards stop him and they begin to argue.

"This is not how I thought this was gonna go" I mutter to myself as I turn around to see Thomas and the guard start to run at each other. I see that his other friends run up to him in support. Then Jason comes in and they have a talk but we can't hear them.

Jason tells them to get back to their rooms. Just as they leave he tells everyone else to do the same thing. My groups races to the room and we all sit down trying to figure out something.

"Look if they try to escape they have to come this way, I mean there's no way to avoid it" August says. "Wait you believe me?" I ask with surprise. "Well we all do, it's just we don't know what to do" Apollo responds.

"Ok well we can just sit and wait I guess" I say as I lay down.


Thomas just left with this Aris kid to see if we are really in danger. I trust Thomas, even if he never smiles and is always negative, but he has good instincts.

—————————-Time jump—————————-

All of a sudden Thomas and Aris come rushing back through the vent with horrified looks on their faces.
He was muttering about it being WCKD. "Thomas, what's going on" Newt says. "It's WCKD, it's always been WCKD!" Yells Thomas. "Thomas what did you see" Newt says with a horrified face.

Pov: Amelia

We all are lying on our backs while Apollo and August are tying sheets on the door. "What if they take us?" Sally asks. "Hey we'll be ok, they are probably focusing on Thomas's group" James says. "Yeah, well that's not any better." I say and Sally gives me a dirty look and I roll my eyes.

All of a sudden Thomas pops his head out of the vent and crawls through and then so does the rest of his groups. "Hey guys" he starts. "Um hi" I say back. "Ok, you guys have that big vent and we gotta go now" Thomas says pointing at the big vent on the other side of the room. "Alright let's go." I say.

We all crawl through and then get out at a bigger hallway. "Ok I gotta go do something" Aris says. "Where are you going?" Thomas asks. "You wanna get out right?" Aris asks, "I'll go with him" Winston says. "So will I" says Rosa. I give her a look and she smiles back.

"You're sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asks with doubt in his voice. "Yeah we wouldn't have gotten this far without him" Thomas replies. Then we run down this long hallway looking for...well something. To be honest, my group just started following Thomas's group. I have no idea where we are going.

We turn the corner and bump into the lady they call Dr. Crawford. "What are you kids doing out?" She asks suspiciously. Then the alarm goes off and we start to chase her.

As we turn the corner, a guard sees us and fires his weapon at us. We decide to try to go back, but Minho decides to charge the guard. "Minho wait!" Thomas yells. Then Minho charges the guard and knees him so hard against the wall, that he knocks the guard out. Thomas picks up the weapon and holds the doctor hostage.

Great, a hostage situation, just what I had in mind for this evening, I think to myself.

Then we reach a set of rooms, that I can only assume are hospital rooms. Thomas pushes Dr. Crawford in and then joins her yelling about some Teresa girl. Newt and Frypan push over a table to try to barricade us in. Thomas spots a curtain and opens it to reveal a teen girl with dark brown hair and pale skin. He shakes her awake and tells her they have to go.

Just then the guards slam against the door trying to get it open. That was most definitely our cue to leave. Thomas and newt pick up chairs and throw it at the window. I hop through the window and help other people out while Thomas helps the girl.

Then we run as fast as we can to this big metal door. Thomas gets out the key he stole and try's to get the door open.

We are interrupted by the sound of that annoying voice. I knew to damn well who that voice belonged to.



Heyyy, I know this is long soo let me know if I should shorten them :)

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