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"I want to do this with you, Hongjoong, whatever it may be. I've never felt this way about anyone before...you're special to me."


With that, he leaned in to kiss him, their lips meeting gently. Hongjoong, being right about the lack of self control, almost immediately darted his tongue out, forcing it in between Seonghwas barely open lips.

As for the siren, he couldn't tell you why it was so pleasurable, why it felt so good to be so close to someone, lips and tongues intertwined. He pushed himself further into the kiss, as Hongjoong pulled him closer by the waist, tasting every part of his mouth he could find.

Just as before, his hands slipped underneath his sweater, and the moment his cold hand touched his heated skin, he carefully left the kiss, still holding him close.

"I won't be able to contain myself if we go any further, darling. Are you sure about this?"

"P-please Joong, don't stop~" (Don't Stop just started playing help)

Of course he had no intention to, placing a chaste peck on his lips before pulling the sweater up, slowly and almost teasingly, while also admiring the skin he was more used to seeing daily when he was in his siren form.

It was as gorgeous as ever, tan, tiny, toned. Seonghwa was the definition of beauty, he'd told himself that so many times because it was always true, he got incredibly lucky to have a wife such as that.

He pulled the sweater up and over his fluffy hair, both of them shirtless as they hurried to connect again, grabbing frantically at anywhere they could find, lips messily but still perfectly moulding together.

Soon, Hongjoongs hands gripped his waist, slowly inching downwards, squeezing his ass for a moment, before hooking underneath his legs and lifting up as if he was as light as a feather. Looking at him, most would underestimate his strength, that was until you saw this uncovered build of his arms, or witnessed what he did to Scylla.

Being picked up so swiftly pulled a moan from Seonghwa, and he quickly moved away from the kiss, hands coming to cover his mouth. He'd never made a sound like that before.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I-I-what was that?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, smirking, then leaned back in, lips attaching to the base of his neck instead. He let his tongue dart over the area, before he began sucking gently at it. And, just as he'd predicted, Seonghwa let out another moan. "J-Joong,"

"It's alright, darling, let all those little noises out for me, hm?" With that, he latched back onto his skin, and the other, not wanting to go against him, let his mouth fall open, his sensitivity bringing constant soft sounds from it.

Hongjoong left mark after mark on Seonghwas honey skin, pushing his growing erection against him as he gripped his thighs. Only when he realized how much he really did need to shower, sure to get a cold otherwise, did he pull away, satisfied with the way his neck and collarbone area was blooming red and purple.

Still with Seonghwa in his arms, he walked towards the bathroom connected to his room, him with the only one to himself because his crew mates absolutely insisted that their captain have it. He set the beautiful male on the counter, a whine leaving his mouth unconsciously, but Hongjoong just smirked at that, heading towards the shower and turning it on, before his hands found his pant buckle.

"How far do you wanna go, Seonghwa?"

"As far as you'll take me~" he whispered back, eyes darting over Hongjoongs toned frame.

"Fuck-okay, are you alright on your own for a moment?" After receiving an enthusiastic nod, Hongjoong practically ran from the bathroom and to Woosans room, luckily not bumping into anyone as he searched through the draws, grabbed one of many condoms that he knew they had on hand for how horny they were, and rushed back.

When he returned, Seonghwa was whining as he rubbed his thighs together, making eye contact the moment the door opened.

"J-Joong, p-please~" he whimpered and Hongjoong immediately came closer, initiating a gentle kiss as he finally threw off his buckle and unbuttoned his pants, trying to pull them down his legs without leaving the others lips. As soon as they were on the floor, undergarments with them leaving him completely bare, he stepped back and pulled Seonghwa off the counter.

With such precision yet care, he pulled the drawstring on Seonghwas sweats, easing them down his beautiful legs.

"You're so perfect~" he whispered, kneeling down and helping the other to get the pants off his feet. When they were set aside, he stayed on the floor, grabbing his right thigh and placing it on his shoulder, before letting his lips land on the plush skin. Just as he'd done on his neck, he let his tongue trace his inner thigh before sucking gently at the skin, nibbling lightly and pulling away only when he'd left a sizable mark.

"O-oh my g-J-Joong wh-what-what-"

"Shhh, I've got you darling." Seonghwas moans as motivation, he continued upwards, enjoying the way his otherwise unblemished skin could so easily be colored by him. He was breathing heavy by the time he came to face his vulva, the slick built up and beginning to exit, shiny and inviting.

Eager to taste, his tongue slid out and over his clitoris, Seonghwa moaning and twitching at the sudden action, Hongjoong also letting out a strangled sound. It had been so damn long since he'd had any sexual contact, and here he was, not with some stranger, but with his wife. God did he taste amazing.

He continued to intake more, allowing his tongue to just barely breach, greedily swallowing down everything he produced, the amount intense because  of how sensitive he was. All the while, Seonghwa was moaning like his life depended on it, gasping and whimpering, clutching nah surface he could find, unsure how to deal with the pleasure he was feeling that he'd never felt before.

But if his shivers were anything to go by, Hongjoong knew he couldn't continue, not wanting to get sick, so with one last lingering suck at his clit, Hongjoong stood up and lifted Seonghwa off his feet, taking him to the shower that had fully heated up by then.

Holy frick I shbsisbdibskdndkdnke I just wrote that....it gets worse....

Part two of the smut will be published maybe in a few hours or maybe tmr idkkkk

Also if you want to, check out my oneshot book if you like ateez and skz😘

Oki bye everyoneeeeeeee<3

Eternal Sunshine~Seongjoong Pirate•Siren AUWhere stories live. Discover now