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Hongjoong watched the sunrise with a gentle smile, content with the silence, as his noisy crew members weren't awake yet. He leaned against his steering wheel, his mind getting lost in space, or more accurately, at sea, though his ship stayed on track.

That was, up until he heard something. His head shot up, looking around for a moment, before shrugging it off an going back to his original position.

Soon, it was heard again, but closer, at least enough that he could make it out. It was a voice. Not just any voice, a voice so immensely angelic, as if a call. He immediately became addicted to the sound, wishing for it to be closer, louder. But it did the opposite, going farther north.

In the back of his mind was the warning he'd heard so many years ago from his father. If he was ever to travel the Utopia Seas, beware of sirens. Their songs will draw you in, and before you're able to turn back, you'll be their feast.

But he couldn't manage to remember a single word, the song so enticing, his wheel was already turning.

"Hyung?" Hongjoong jumped at the noise, letting to of the steering wheel as he turned to look at Wooyoung, his loudest crew mate. "Why are you turning? I thought we were headed for-"

"I know, I know, we are....I must have dozed off for a moment, I'm unsure myself."


"What are you doing awake?"

"Sannie thought I'd be a good alternative to his hugging pillow, but he's too strong, I couldn't sleep like that." Hongjoong hummed. "So, should I wake up the othe-"

"No!" His life practically flashed before his eyes. He wanted to keep it as calm and peaceful as possible, at least for the time being, because moments like that were quite rare. "Uh...y-you should let them rest, they've been working hard."

"Then I'll start on breakfast."

"Good, thank you." Wooyoung nodded, and turned around, giving Hongjoong some time to himself once again.

"I'm sorry hyung..." Seonghwa said nervously, looking towards Taehyung, who sighed.

"It's fine, I suppose. We still have plenty of food, but that ship looked enough to keep us stocked up for months!"

The older continued guilt tripping him, maybe not purposely, but making him feel bad nonetheless. Seonghwa had never understand why sirens fed on humans, he found just the thought utterly disgusting. In fact, the first and last time he tried flesh, he threw it up. On top of that, he didn't eat any meat or any kind of sea animals either. He mainly fed on plants, seaweed being a particular favorite.

That was one reason he didn't seem to fit in along his kind, but there were others. Sirens are known to lure pirates into their trap, only to kill and eat them, but it's also said that they feel nothing similar to love, or remorse. And that was true for almost every siren he met, it was rare for them to feel any sort of care for something. He was different in that way.

Seonghwa grew to love many things, whether if it was his closest 'friend', if you could call him that, Taehyung, or his companions in the sea, of which he saved as many as he could from other sirens.

One misconception about sirens is this. It is said that they use their beautiful voice and perfect body when finding food, but after it is done, the illusion disappears and they become horrid creatures that most would fear. However, though it was true they were able to trick pirates into coming their way, they never lost their beauty. If not for how they acted and felt, the could classify as mermaids, with even better vocals.

"Now look, the ship is headed into fairy territory. Those imbeciles may give them magic to uphold their supply if they're kind. You see Seonghwa, you mustn't lose focus. I understand you weren't planning on feasting on them, but many of us did."

"I really am sorry hyung, I can bring them back. I'll sing my best I swear."

Seonghwa, of course, felt bad, being the cause of so many peoples deaths, but Taehyung was the only one who'd ever shown some sort of care towards him. He hid it well, but when it was only them two, he was quite kind. That's why he didn't want to let him down, no matter how against he was with the prospect of eating a human.

"You think you can do that? All on your own too?"

"Please hyung, I won't let them get to the fairies." Taehyung sighed.

"Go ahead, but be back soon, and if you can't bring them that's fine, just make sure you don't get hurt." Seonghwa nodded and immediately began swimming towards the ship that was just nearing the boundaries of their part of the water.

Once close enough, he perked his head out of the water, and saw on the side of the ship, 'ATEEZ'.

"That must be the name of this group...what a beautiful ship~" He mumbled to himself, never having seen so much attention to detail and creativity in any of the pirate ships that passed by, and usually sunk.

what a beautiful ship~" He mumbled to himself, never having seen so much attention to detail and creativity in any of the pirate ships that passed by, and usually sunk

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Nearing the right side of the ship, still far enough away, he prepared his song.

I really just wanted to publish the first chapter but I'll do disclaimers and things like that later, and change a lot of it

(Edit: That part is now done lol, well the intro is published, but I'll work on the cover and things later on)

Either way I hope you enjoyed this!

Bye everyoneeeeeee<3

Eternal Sunshine~Seongjoong Pirate•Siren AUWhere stories live. Discover now