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With Scylla still screeching and beginning to submerge, Hongjoong finally pulled his sword up as far as he could, and brought it down forcefully right through the left side of her chest, using the grip of the sword to push himself off of her, pulling it out along the way, as he dove back into the water, still hearing her screams.

By the time his head appeared from the water, she was long gone, sounds fading away little by little, as he sighed in relief, his body aching.


Everyone rushed down the stairs, stumbling over each other to reach the front deck, scanning the now calm waters for any sign of him.

Witnessing his act of bravery was incredible to all of them, still in shock with how he managed to reach Scylla, then actually fend her off, probably near killing her in the process. He was their incredible captain, though, and they were more relieved than anything that he was okay.

San had to stop Wooyoung from diving into the water when Hongjoongs head emerged, swimming with long strokes towards them, the smile on his face showing how happy he was that they were all there, looking so impatient to see him.

The moment he neared the deck, Seonghwa launched towards him, nearly falling in the water and getting himself wet by hugging the parts of him out of water.

"What we're you thinking!" He scolded quietly, large hints of sadness in his voice. "You can't just jump into the ocean and fight a sea monster!" At him trying to be serious, but sounding like an angry kitten, Hongjoong chuckled.

"I'm sorry darling." He kissed his cheek gently, which immediately stopped him from speaking further. Mingi walked closer and began to help his captain out of the freezing water, Seonghwa doing the same when he managed to leave the hug.

"Hyung, you'd better shower or at least change soon, you're gonna get sick." Yunho told him, to which he nodded.

"I'll shower after we're th-"

"Joong," Seonghwa started, and he made eye contact, immediately regretting it because those doe eyes were too precious to deny.

"Alright, alright. Yeosang, Yunho, can you get us through Sicily?" The two nodded. "Then Wooyoung and San, get breakfast finished?" They also agreed, holding back laughs when they heard Seonghwa mutter 'without exchanging saliva, please'.

"Sorry hyung but if you think Wooyoung can go half an hour without my tongue down his throat then I don't know what to tell you." His words brought a blush to Wooyoungs face, something you rarely saw but San made it his goal to see daily.

Looking around at his crew, Hongjoong smiled, feeling extremely grateful he had them by his side. He turned to Seonghwa, who had the exact same smile on his face, gently taking his hand and leading him off the deck as the rest began to bicker or mess around.

They arrived at their room, as Hongjoong began pulling off his shirt, Seonghwas eyes widening before he turned around with a blush.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Showering, care to join?" He smirked, inching his arms out of the shirt, though it stuck a bit due to being soaked.

"What's a shower?" Seonghwa made the mistake of turning around, cheeks getting redder as he avoided looking at his chest or biceps.

"You're so cute~" The other smiled. "Let's get you out of your clothes, I'll show you."

Face as dark as a cherry, Seonghwa nodded slowly, biting his lip in nervousness as Hongjoong walked closer, hands slowly sliding beneath his sweater. It was as if he forgot how infatuated he was with the siren, but realized his actions when his fingers touched his bare skin.

"Actually, it might do you some good to help Woo in the kitchen.."

"W-why?" He already looked so precious and needy, Hongjoong didn't know how to respond.

"You're beautiful, Hwa, did you know that? Absolutely gorgeous, so innocent, you're driving me insane."

"But how?"

"Baby, if you get in the shower with me, I'm not sure what I'll do to you." Hongjoong spoke, voice deeper that usual, becoming aroused at just the thought.

"...I trust you~"

"That may not be the best idea, I've been on a boat for three years with no one but people I consider my kids." It was obvious he was referencing the lack of sexual contact, but the siren had no way of knowing that, staring confusedly at him. "I want to save our intimacy for when we're closer, and you're more ready."

"I-I'm ready to be intimate! Please, Hongjoong, teach me how~"

His pleading face was never easy to deny, and his request meant so much more than he knew, making Hongjoong even more aroused. He knew that if he were to bring Seonghwa into the shower with him, it would take plenty to control himself from doing something he probably shouldn't. Seonghwa didn't even know the meaning of sex, though everyone had different meanings.

It was important to him. Before he left home in search of a crew, he could much easier sleep around, being the horny teenager he was, but he came to regret all of it, wishing a relationship could have been important enough for the sex part to come into the picture.

Of course, his and Seonghwas relationship was important, hell, they were married, and felt quite strongly towards each other, though it couldn't be identified as love. But how did Seonghwa feel? Did he understand how big of a decision it was? On top of that, with his female parts, would they have to be especially careful about it?

"Joong, stop thinking so much, please."

"Well there's a lot to think about, so-" He cut himself off by making eye contact with Seonghwa. How could one creature out-do the beauty of every other, his thoughts gone just by looking into those captivating eyes, the color of the sea on a sunny day.

The siren stepped closer, arms resting on his shoulders as one hand played with his wet hair.

"I want to do this with you, Hongjoong, whatever it may be. I've never felt this way about anyone before...you're special to me."

So I know I said there would be some 😏😏 but then I realized how friggin long it (almost 3500 words) so I decided to split it into three chapters, this being one of them

Don't worry it's coming soon so long as I don't forget again 😭

Oki bye everyoneeeeee<3

Eternal Sunshine~Seongjoong Pirate•Siren AUWhere stories live. Discover now