Long lost friend

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Hitoshi felt floaty after he had spilled all his deepest worries out into the open. As if he's been carrying weights wherever he walked.

Of course, he still had the worry of Denki's well being as he started to become dizzy after hugging for so long. Hitoshi didn't want to let go of that hug. It was filled with a comfort that felt almost foreign to him. 

During that Sunday, Denki's parents came. His mother had concern all over her expression while his father kept a calmer smile as he waved towards his son. Ranger was in tow, wagging his tail while his fur shined like he was recently washed.

Hitoshi couldn't help a small, but fond smile that came to his face at the sight of Denki's mom squishing his cheeks while she asked, multiple times, if he was alright.  

That was merely a week ago now. Denki was feeling much better while Ranger was back in Denki's dorm. The dog seemed to have missed Hitoshi with how much the mutt jumped up on his legs whenever he sat down.

Aizawa was still an issue. Whenever Denki went to class, Hitoshi and Aizawa had the routine of giving each other cold stare though not a single word would leave their throats.

Hitoshi had begun to make peace with the fact Aizawa could see him. There was nothing he could really do about that, but he wouldn't stop protecting Denki. Even if he already messed up his duty, he couldn't just stop. Everyone had a guardian angel for a reason after all.

On the bright side of things, Denki was more than happy to hang out with his friends again. Ashido was still pretty stern when it came to him not responding to all her threateningly kind texts that she left for the blond, who could hardly read it with his vison a swaying mess.

Regardless of Hitoshi's protests, Denki insisted he read it to him so he could reply and not forget when he was actually feeling better.

Bakugou, on the other hand, seemed to have little to say. He said a few rude remarks Denki's way, but Denki only smiled, knowing he held worry and was glad Denki was alright in the end. 

Bakugou never really showed much emotion besides his irritation and anger towards people, but the group of friends knew just how much he cared when he didn't make any type of eye contact and kept his gaze low to avoid being obvious. Not seeming to know just how obvious he actually was.

All in all, everyone was happy to Denki up on his feet.

"I'd rather be sick then deal with a six page essay about the importance of car safety." Denki groaned. Aizawa was going on the topic of driving and cars in general. Denki, of course, felt the need to speak his mind, as he mentioned how car safety didn't do much for him when he was in that terrible car wreck.

Aizawa didn't take that lightly. With a cold, stern glare, he lectured everyone on the importance of car safety, eyes never leaving Denki who shrunk in his seat.

In the end, he assigned the blond to do the dreadful essay. Denki set himself up when he had the audacity to groan, making the once three paged essay, a six paged.

"You practically said the opposite when you were sick." Hitoshi reminded, making Denki give an annoyed look for proving his statement wrong. Hitoshi shrugged, not giving the look much thought as he turned his head to look out the window at the colder weather. Trees blew in the cold winds as it grew closer to winter.

The classroom was empty, Denki purposely being incredibly slow to put away his things in his backpack. Denki made sure to let the squad know he'd be in his next class soon enough after he'd pity himself over the essay he now has to do.

Zipping up his backpack, he stood next to Hitoshi to start heading to English class.

But of course, something caught his eye.

"Hitoshi." He said, happiness clear in his tone as he tugged on the guardian angels sleeve with delight. "Hm?" Hitoshi hummed in question, looking at the direction the blond pointed with sudden excitement.

Whatever it was, it sure changed his mood.

"It's the cat we saw last month." At that, Hitoshi's eyes scanned all around the room till he caught sight of the grey furball that made it's way closer to the two. "I wonder why it's still in school." Denki stated, mainly to himself. At least, Hitoshi hoped so. He wasn't really paying attention.

The cat made its way at the guardian angels' legs, rubbing its head on his boot as she purred with comfort. 

"Looks like you made a new friend." Denki spoke, smiling big at the cute display that was right in front of him.

Skillfully, Hitoshi scooped up the cat in his arms. It felt like second nature. Another habit he didn't know he had till this day. He cradled the cat, looking at her with a sense of joy and comfort of his own. The cat rubbed against his chest, seeming content to seeing him again. If Hitoshi were actually thinking more into it, he would've found it strange the small creature acted like he were a long lost friend of some sort.

Denki tried putting his hand out, but the cat only swatted his way with a hiss. Denki pouted at that as he watched the cat go back to giving all her love on Hitoshi who didn't even care the cat had hissed at him.

"That's my cat." Came a low, grumbling voice of Aizawa who stared at Hitoshi conflictingly. 

The two turned to stare at the older man, Hitoshi becoming even more defensive with the cat then he was with Denki. Denki, on the other hand, rose a brow at his teacher, who, at the moment, did not like.

"You can bring your cat to classes, but I can't bring Ranger to mine?" Denki complained his question, disbelief clear in his tone. He may have still been petty about the essay, but regardless, he had questions that needed answers. "Ranger is such a crowd pleaser." He muttered.

"I didn't bring my cat. She must have fallowed me." Aizawa told, shooting a glare towards his student.

Looking at Hitoshi, he seemed to have some disbelief himself with how much the cat was so friendly to the mere stranger. Bara was quite the protective one herself, as she left a pretty nasty scratch across his arm when trying to win her trust over.

Denki stood with his arms crossed and acting like a pouty child who was told he couldn't have anymore sweets, but Aizawa didn't miss the look of fondness that spread across his face when looking towards Hitoshi, who held Bara with such gentle and careful hands, as if she were his prize possession.

Aizawa couldn't help his own stare.

He's seen the guardian angel seem concerned or worried, weak, and of course, defensive and protective. Sure, he's seen him asleep when he'd first saw him, due to Hitoshi passing out himself.

But now, he could say he's seen him seem so content. Though there was no smile to show it, Aizawa knew the glint of joy and happiness when he saw it.

"You must be off to your next class." Aizawa broke the silence, turning his attention to Denki. The blond was lucky Hitoshi had become a sudden, though weird, distraction. He was about to give the boy extra pages to do in the essay.

Denki gave a firm nod, turning on his heel to start heading his way. That is until he heard Aizawa speak once more. "Shinsou." He said, making the guardian angel stop from doing any movement he was about to do. "I'd like to have a word with you."

The blond rose an eyebrow, taking a step closer towards their direction. Hitoshi looked the blond's way for a moment before he shrugged and jerked his head towards the door, giving a silent demand for the blond to just head to his next class.

With hesitation clear in his steps, he reluctantly walked out of the previous classroom he was taught in.

Tension filled a room.

It felt like a father getting onto his son.

Holding the cat closer to him, Hitoshi gave colder stare at the older man Infront of him while anxiety cursed through him. Aizawa kept a calmer expression, noticing the guardian angel's quick pets on Bara's head as he felt her fur in between his fingers.

"I have a proposition I think we could both agree on."

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