Denki didn't realize

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Tw: Mentions of toxic friendship.

"Hello Kaminari"

Denki couldn't help but take a single step back. Was he going to do something? Where were the other two? Denki reached into his pocket. He had forgotten his phone. He had his wallet, but of course he had forgotten his phone.

"Calm down. I'm not gunna do anything" Botan spoke, scanning the medicine Denki had put on the small counter spot. "That'll be two fifty-nine" he told, barley even looking up at the blond as he typed on his phone. 

Denki didn't let his eyes fall off of him though. Skeptical that he would suddenly pull something. Like Fuji or Dai would pop up out of thin air.

Botan sighed. He knew where he had screwed up, and honestly, he didn't ever want to see the blond again considering he felt he didn't deserve to even apologize. 

It wouldn't even be enough if he did. But sadly, luck was not on his side and him and Denki had crossed paths once again. But something had popped into his mind that might make things just slightly better.

He could barely hope.

Denki wasted no time to hurry up and get the money he was asked to get for what he got. He placed the money of the counter, pulling anxiously on his T-shirt as he glanced around him. He was waiting for something to happen.

Botan put it in a bag and put the small receipt in it as well. After writing something down on it of course. Denki quickly grabbed it, ready to dash out before anything could happen if anything were to happen. If he showed beat up or something Hitoshi would not let Denki go anywhere that's for sure. Which had it's bad and good sides to it.

Botan reached just slightly over the counter and grabbed his wrist, stopping the blond in his tracks. Denki wasn't sure what move to pull, what he needed to do. He had options of course, but which one to do seemed to be the issue considering his mind started going a million miles per hour.

"My number is on the receipt. If the police end up finding out that you helped us do the shit we did, call me and I'll handle it" he told, his voice was low, but Denki could hear him loud and clear. It was hard not to considering the small store seemed to be so God damn quiet.

Denki's mind was suspiciously quiet. What was there to say? 'Hey thanks for putting me through some shit but at least you're helping me if the fucking cops show up at my doorstep'. 

He couldn't say that now, could he? So, instead, he spoke not a single word and just nodded and walked out of the store. Nothing more nothing less. But honestly, Denki needed air. He felt like he was holding his breath.

He was holding his breath.

His movements were stiff as his mind processed what had just happened. Part of him wanted to believe that maybe Botan did this for a kind reason. But considering all of the times he's trusted at least just one of them and they let it go like a glass to break, he couldn't trust right now.

If Denki was being fully honest with himself, he didn't fully trust Ashido, Kirishima, Sero, Uraraka, noun of them.

 He trusted them more, but not as much as he thinks he should. With Hitoshi, it was different. As stupid as it sounds, the blond did feel safe when he was around. But that could just be the fact it was his job. He couldn't be too sure. 

Denki didn't realize the tight hold he had on the bag. Denki didn't realize the way his body tensed. Denki didn't realize his heart was pounding just a tad faster than it should. And Denki definitely didn't notice his homeroom teacher waiting at the UA gates with a frown upon his face. Denki only realized when he heard his teacher clear his throat to get his attention.

Denki's eyes snap up at his homeroom teacher. "Your ten minutes late" he informs. His voice just as tired as it has been all day. Denki just nods. His mouth was dry, and he couldn't help but want to just dash off back to his dorm. But he assumes that would make his situation worse.

Aizawa sighs and Denki waits for the words to come out of the teacher's mouth. "Get to your dorm. You're lucky I'm not in the mood to watch detention anytime soon" Aizawa tells, though it was kind of warning at the same time, but Denki surprisingly didn't feel as intimidated as he knew he would be with any other teacher. Let's just say teachers weren't too happy with most of the time. 

Denki Kaminari might not be the luckiest person, but he'd be damned if he didn't have any whatsoever. He bowed with a nod, showing he understood before running back to the dorm building. His legs were feeling tired. He'd be lying if he said otherwise. He didn't expect to do a sudden run and a run in with someone he actually knew.

"Kaminari! Be careful! The floors were mopped not long ago!" Iida warned from the kitchen with a glass water. Denki wasn't sure why, but Iida sure liked to do a weird hand choppy thing. He's seen him accidently hit Midoriya while doing that!

The blond took his shoe's off before putting them on the shoe rack that was right by the door of the doors before, he continues to rush to his dorm, not thinking another thought. He was already gone long enough, and he couldn't stand around any longer.

With the small click of the door hand turning, Denki went inside and closed the door. The blond sighed of relief when he saw the guardian angel still fast asleep, snoring. He chuckled and went over to him to wake him up.

"Hey, dude. Wake up. I got you medicine that will hopefully make you feel better" Denki said, shaking Hitoshi gently but firmly to hopefully get his eyes to open. Hitoshi's eyes were still closed, and he said nothing. But he put his hand out to be given whatever it was that he was going to be given.

The blond hurried and opened the medicine bottle and filled up the small cup. The liquid was a red-Ish type of color. It was thick and even if Denki didn't taste it, he knew it wouldn't taste good at all.

He handed the small cup for Hitoshi to drink, and the guardian angel drank it and handed it back. Denki couldn't help but look at him disgusted with how easily he took it. Maybe he was too tired to realize the taste, or maybe he couldn't taste at all while being sick, Denki didn't know and wouldn't be able to ask considering his room was filled with the small snores once more.

The blond couldn't help the small frown that cover his face when he saw the homework he was given today on his desk. It was due Wednesday and with how things were playing out, Denki doesn't know if he can do Wednesday.

He went to his desk and slumped on his chair. As much as he hated it, he had to get it done. But when the room is practically drowned in silence and the main noise is from yourself, sharpening a pencil and writing on paper your thoughts grab you like a hook to a fish. As weird as it may have sounded.

That seemed to always be Denki's issue. He got distracted by things that caught his attention. Probably because he was usually bored when that happened so could anyone fully blame him?

But Denki didn't realize the creak of his bed. Denki didn't realize the footsteps that got closer to him. And Denki didn't realize the shadow that wasn't too far from his. He of course only noticed when he heard a cough which made his head whip over to that direction. 

In all fairness. Denki didn't know what to do when it came to a guardian angel being sick. 

So, he gave him medicine.

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