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When Hitoshi first arrived, he looked around. The room was decent size, the alarm clock read '3:46am'. In front of him was a bed, an empty one. A low growl was heard behind him, making Hitoshi turn around. Ranger was Infront of Denki in a protective manner, making sure Hitoshi didn't go near him. Denki one the other hand was fast asleep, he sat on his chair while his head rested on his desk. His schoolwork was scattered everywhere on his desk.

Hitoshi scoffed at Ranger, going over to animal so he could sniff Hitoshi, so he wouldn't wake up the blond that was fast asleep. Ranger was hesitant, before letting Hitoshi pet him. Hitoshi has learned all about different animals, and in his opinion, cats were much better when it came to trusting a person's guardian and they were calmer.

Hitoshi continued to look around the room. Stumbling over Ranger who was right below his feet. The room itself was nice, but cluttered. Hitoshi deiced to take this chance to actually get a good look at Denki, he needed to make sure he could never lose him.

Denki's hair was more of golden yellow, a black light bolt shape in his bangs. He wore a hoodie, sweatpants and fuzzy socks, his hir going in every direction. Hitoshi looked down at the schoolwork that he was partly laying on. Pencils and pens, fidgets and few crushed up soda cans were on his desk as well. He had quite a bit of schoolwork to do, and who knows when it's due.

Hitoshi started looking more around the room, the walls weren't painted, leaving them just normal color of any wall. A few band posters were hung on the wall, aside from a few anime ones. His bed wasn't made, with blankets all over it. His pillow was tossed to the side of his messy bed. A few stuffed animals were in the mix of his blankets and sheets.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened revealing to what seemed like Denki's parents. A woman stood there, her black hair was tied in a messy bun, her eyes were darker gold, and she wore glasses that hung a little low. The man that was standing next to her had blond hair like Denki's, he to wore glasses but they seemed to fit his face better than his wife's, his eyes were more of a green. 

Aika walked over to her son, kissing his forehead before moving some of his things in their place. Ranger kept looking at Hitoshi and Denki's parents, as they were the people who were up at this hour. Haruki picked up Denki, putting him in his bed. Hitoshi watched closely and observed. Watching to see how they took care of Denki, but he will truly see after a day or two. As Haruki untangled Denki's blankets, putting it over him. He carefully took Denki's left Rist, as it was the one that was broken. Placing it one a small pillow giving his son a kiss on the forehead.

They left his room, closing the door behind them. Hitoshi stood there to the side as Ranger was looking up at him. Hitoshi was always curious on how having a parent was like, but he knew each parent was different, he himself never had one.


The alarm ringed trough out the bedroom, making Denki groan and clicking the snooze button. This happened twice, till Hitoshi grabbed his alarm clock and put by his ear. When Denki herd the loud alarm in ear he jumped up, looking around till he saw his alarm clock on his bedside table.

He had 45 minuets to get up and go to school. Denki rushed around, putting his school uniform in a hurry. His school uniform was wrinkled, but that's what Hitoshi expected considering it was stuffed in his closet.

Denki fed Ranger, eating a quick bowl of cereal himself. His parents have already gone to work, leaving him alone for the day. He put Ranger on a leash, rushing out the door. As he rushed his way to school. Hitoshi flew above. It was the safest option, making it where he wouldn't be able to bump into anyone.

A group of guys stood by Denki's school; Hitoshi assumed it was Denki's so called 'friends'. One of them had orange hair that was in a small braid, he wore normal jeans and a black T-shirt. His name was Fuji. The other had black hair fading into green that was messier but also looked more nicer than Denki's hair, he wore ripped jeans with white shirt and a red flannel. His name was Dai. The third one had died his hair a chocolate brown color that was wavy and silky looking, he wore a black jacket that was zipped up only half why, a tank top under it with a pair of black sweatpants. His name is Botan.

Denki looked at his 'friends' confused, giving Hitoshi a hint that they don't come to his school in the morning often. "Hey Kaminari. Wanna come do something with us after school" Dai said, a smirk that Hitoshi could not trust was on his face. "I really need to go. I'm Gunna be late for school and-" Denki was cut off rudely, by Fuji.

"You never want to hang out with us. Do you even like hanging out with us?" The guilt on Denki's face was the last thing Hitoshi wanted him to feel. "Come on guys. Kaminari doesn't want to hang out with us anymore" Botan said. He was full of lies. All three of them were. If Hitoshi was able to actually do some damage to them, he would. Bullys can do a lot to someone. Especially when they think they're your friend.

Suddenly. A girl who seemed to be in the same school as Denki walked over to him. "Kaminari! The principle is looking for you!" yelled out. Denki's focus on his 'friends' was completely gone. He didn't even realize Ranger was growling at them.

Denki ran towards the school. Forgetting Ranger wasn't supposed to be inside. Running to principles office. Denki sat down across from his principle. Hitoshi leaned on the wall that wasn't too far from Denki. The principal herself looked to be in her late thirty's. Her hair was in a low ponytail, it looked nice with her navy-blue hair.

"Hello Kaminari" she said in a serious tone. Denki gulped before saying a quick "Hi". The principal didn't say anything about Ranger being there, but she did see him. "I'm here to inform you that you only have so many chances. You've been late for school and your grades aren't doing well. If this keeps up, you will be kicked out of the school" Her voice was just as serious as before. Denki had become more tense from what Hitoshi could tell.

Denki bowed, saying he would do better. 

Ranger was outside with a bowl of water next to him, while Denki was at school. Something to know about Denki was the fact he got distracted easily, he was quite observant of things as well. It confused Hitoshi nonetheless but he was learning more about Denki the more he himself observed.

Nothing to dangerous happened in school, but Hitoshi was aware of what could happen. 

At the end of the day Denki was tired. Denki had his backpack and Ranger as he made his way off school grounds. Only to be met with the three toxics 'friends'. Tho Denki was listening to music, lost into a world that didn't exist besides in his mind. The three that waited for Denki did not notice him and Hitoshi would like to keep it that way.

Stretching his wings out. He covered Denki, making it where no person could see him. Ranger was confused by Hitoshi covering him and Denki but kept walking peacefully.

When Denki had arrived home. Hitoshi's wings now tucked away behind his back. He rushed to his room. Hitoshi thought that the first thing he would do was schoolwork, but no. Denki grabbed an art journal. He started to sketch away what seemed to be a tree of some sort. A cherry blossom tree. The way the pencil glided with the paper seemed so calming, as if the pencil moved by itself.

In the end. Half of the drawling was colored, while the other half of still drawn from pencil. Denki had different pinks, reds, whites, browns, greens and blues, all on his hands. His paintbrushes looked cleaner than his hands. Denki looked at his artwork with a smile. Tho it was half done he still looked like he finished it. Maybe that's how it was meant to be? or he just felt that proud of himself. Hitoshi couldn't tell.

When it was Six, Denki ate instant ramen. Not the healthiest of meal, but it still was something. After Denki ate his dinner, he worked on his schoolwork. Later, his parents came home at 10:47pm. And even later in the night, they cheeked on their son to see he was fast asleep on his desk once again.

And it all happened again, every weekday

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