Halloween rush and a romance mush

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When it's about to be a holiday, there's quite a bit of talk around the school. Teenagers fawning over each other's costumes, while others laughed at how ridiculous one looked. It was a good time, no doubt about that, but it was new to Denki, but he didn't complain in the slightest.

It was exciting, though, whatever is exciting must have some stress. Denki knew he was the only one (In his class at least) to not know what he's being for the festive holiday. Sure, there's other things to stress about, but for the time being, he was going to stress out about what he costume he could choose from that wasn't lame.

Hitoshi wasn't too much of a help with his's shrugs and bad attempts at trying to give his honest opinion. Ashido was great at it though, though she was agreeing to all of his costume ideas. Denki didn't even try to ask Bakugou, considering the blond always made the truth none, even if he was being brutally truthful. 

Sero was good, but he was purposely saying no to all the more decent ones, sense some of the options looked a little wacky. Kirishima gave good opinions, but he called a lot of the costumes manly. Which, in all fairness, wasn't always the best response to almost every single costume he described, and even showed the clothing he would wear.

Halloween was coming up. It was practically chasing his ass, not letting him forget it was coming up so soon as days flew by like fly's. 

But that was besides the point at the moment. Ranger needed to go back home with his parents. They were coming to the entrance of UA, waiting for their son to show up with Ranger by his side. They would hug, talk for a little, and then go back to their separate ways. They've done this a few times by now, but Denki always got a little sad that they had to go so soon. Again.

Denki took a breath. The dorm common room always seemed to be colder then any other part in the dorms. Ranger was trailing behind Denki, walking over to Bakugou who patted the dogs head with scuff, rolling his eyes. Ranger seemed satisfied with that and got back on trailing behind Denki.

Ranger wasn't the only person trailing behind Denki though. We should all know by now that Hitoshi did the same thing, almost everyday at that. 

When the blond made it outside, he wished he had a heavier jacket on as the cod breeze hit his face. The breeze was nice, but it left a shiver and goosebumps. Leafs were doing their thing, falling off the trees and leaving plenty of leaf's for children to create leaf piles to jump in

Denki bent his fingers to feel his palm. He felt the stabs from the rose thorns. They were just scabs by now, but if he pressed hard enough, he felt the pain that he both dreaded but desired. It wasn't some sob story, no. It was just the thoughts in Denki's head, making him wander if he could still feel the same pain from the same rose thorns he did once upon dream.

Ranger honestly didn't need a leash like he did before. Before, he would run off and have Denki worried sick, but the dog would come back with something like someone's shoe. Denki never knew what to do in those situations.

But Ranger was fallowing. Not because that's what he was taught to do, but because the animal had come to realize that the family of three people were his trusted friend's. Though, there were two other people that no one even saw, and Denki could only see the guy that fallowed him.

The fall was beautiful to say the least. There were so many colors to look at and it was calming to hear the wind blow the leaf's out of their spot. Denki could see his parents talking, no noticing him at first until they turned and waved. Ranger running over without any hesitation. 

Denki quickened his pace, making his way to the two adults that stood by with smile's on their face's. Haruki was the first to open up his arms to hug his son who looked rather similar to him. The blond headed teen wrapped his arms around his father, and relaxed into the hug.

"Ok, ok. No need to hog our son." Aika said, barley having to touch her husband's arms for him to move them away. She hugged him tightly, ruffling his already messy, wind-blown hair. He was happy to see them, though, whenever he did, it made him want them to stay, but they usually had to go back to get ready for work. Denki wished they didn't have jobs most of the time.

Hitoshi watched for only a second. He just looks around outside, seeing a few cars' drive by and the scenery outside. He hears talking, but doesn't listen in. It'd feel weird to listen and watch, especially now that Denki could see him. He doesn't want the blond to be feel awkward while talking to the two people who raised and took care of him.

As much as guardian angel's love to flex on how much they protected the human they were assigned, they must learn the fact that parent's (Or any parental figure's) are the one's that do make quite the difference in one's life.

Sadly, most guardian angels would rather brag and gossip after they were done protecting the person they were assigned to protect. But there were some that did actually care. The one's that emotional at the fact the human is dead. Especially if a human died young. That seemed to always break a guardian angel the most. And Hitoshi feared that may happen.

The possibilities are always an endless tunnel.

Hitoshi looked back up, seeing Denki hug his parents. Which informed him in the fact that they were headed off. Denki watched them walk off as he waved. When they turned the corner was when Denki let his arm go limp as his smile died down. Denki never liked having to say bye to anyone.

With a sigh, the blond turned on his heel, walking back over to the guardian angel that stood by. "What do you think Bakugou gunna whip up for dinner?" Denki ask's, starting small conversation. It came natural to Denki, and Hitoshi was grateful for such trait considering he was the complete opposite of such.

Hitoshi shrugged, not really knowing himself. The blond headed teen seemed to be in thought for a spilt second. "I don't know either, but Bangohan sounds so good right now." Denki states, looking to the side at the few flowers that were still standing at this time of the year.

Who knows if Denki felt the gaze of the purple haired guardian who admired his features as the wind blew through his hair slowly. The silence was calm and comfortable for the two. 

Taking a breath through his nose, Hitoshi could feel the cool breeze go into his lungs. Suddenly, the blond stopped in his tracks, and Hitoshi had to take just a step back, looking down at the blond who bent over and plucked a flower of it's stem.

Its petals were delicate and looked almost soft. It was purple like color, which made it stand out from the other bunch it was near. "I bet it looked sick when it was spring." Denki told, admiring the flower's slightly faded color. 

Who knew how the flower grew to become such a flower that didn't look like the one's it was near. The other flower's white and small, though they weren't weeds. The blond stood up, letting Hitoshi take a closer look. The small, calm smile made Hitoshi's heart warm at the nice sight. 

Honey like eyes kept their gaze on the flower, while purple one's kept their gaze on the person who stood near. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Denki said, looking up at Hitoshi with a smile still up on his face. "Ya." Was all Hitoshi said.

He wasn't looking at the flower.

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