Miss-led and all over the place

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Tw: Mentions of being miss-led, somewhat dying?? Mentions of illegal shit and just being sad :[

Denki's birthday was coming up. It was on June 29th and June had already started. It was the weekend, Denki's parents being able to take a break from their jobs. 

Denki was in his room, watching random shit he found on the internet when Denki's mother, Aika. Had come into the room. "Hey Hun" she said as she sat on his still messy bed. Denki sat up on his bed to sit by his mom, wondering what she needed him to do or if she had to ask something.

"You need something?" He asked. Aika chuckled before asking him a question. "Well, I was wondering what you wanted to do for you birthday" she said. Hitoshi perked up at the question she had asked Denki, as something he read in Denki's life story came to mind.

Denki went to an amusement park for his birthday when he was young. It was a time when Denki's parents didn't have their big money issue. When he turned ten, he had remembered how much fun it was, so when he was asked what he wanted to do for his birthday, ever since he was ten. He would answer by saying. "Amusement Park?" He asked, hope laced his voice even though he knew what the answer would be.

"I'm sorry. We can't do that this year. We'll try for next year" Aika said. Aika hated not being able to spend that much time with her son, but if she didn't rest for a day, she wouldn't be able to support him in things he enjoyed doing. Sometimes she still saw her little boy who would be able to see his parents all the time. But sadly, that wasn't the case anymore.

Denki only nodded, giving his mom a weak smile. Aika thought a second, before coming up with a birthday plan, hopefully being able to make him just as happy. Hitoshi watched this all go down. He knew if Denki's parents just told him their tuff situation he would understand, but they didn't. Hitoshi also knew why they didn't tell him. Aika and Haruki didn't want Denki to know because they don't want to believe he has grown up, and because they want him to worry about their own mistakes. 

"I know say this a lot, but about a birthday party. You have the two friends now. Ashido and Kirishima! They could have a sleepover and we can rent some movies. Your choice of course. We can also get hamburgers and things that'll rot your teeth" she said, looking at her son with excitement. Showing that she was just as excited as she was. Denki nodded his head quite quickly, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he did so.

Aika and Haruki knew that their son was turning sixteen. They wanted to make as special as possible without losing so much money. They haven't even told him they were planning on moving. But they were hoping the sudden news they would have to tell him wouldn't be so bad because of the new school year and how his birthday turned out.

"Alright. I'll tell your dad. Maybe later we can play some bored games together" she said with a smile before leaving Denki's bedroom, closing the door behind herself.

Denki felt disappointed. When he was younger his parents seemed to have a blast with him at the amusement park, he just wanted to re-live that moment. But he was excited to be spending his birthday with Ashido and Kirishima.

Hitoshi watched Denki pet Ranger while he looked lost in thought, Ranger looking like he has done this plenty of times. Which as long as Hitoshi has been here, he has. 

Ranger left Denki's side, going over to Hitoshi instead. Denki did not notice, still lost in whatever thought had him thinking so much. "What?" Hitoshi asked the dog that looked up at him. Ranger looked at Denki, then looked at Hitoshi. "He can't see me" Hitoshi tried to explain. To prove his point to the dog he went beside Denki, waving his hand in his face, even snapping his fingers. Denki didn't flinch whatsoever but kept staring into the distance.

Ranger almost looked annoyed at Hitoshi's proof. "I can't comfort him. It's part of the rules" Hitoshi said, Ranger just nudged Hitoshi's hand, making it go towards Denki. Hitoshi groaned. "I just told you. I can't comfort him. HE CAN'T EVEN HEAR ME" Hitoshi started, yelling the last part to make Ranger stop.

Suddenly, Ranger barked making Denki flinch from the sudden loud noise. "Whaaaaattt~" Denki whined, flopping back onto his bed. His head being met with the wall causing pain to his head. Ranger and Hitoshi just stared at Denki as he slowly moved his from the wall.

"Can I just like....Fade away from the universe?" Denki asked himself, though Hitoshi answered the question "No. Your too young to just die" Hitoshi say's with an eye roll. Ranger looked at Hitoshi, sensing how Hitoshi felt about the situation, but hopefully it wouldn't come soon.

"Rangerrrr" Denki called out. Ranger made his way on Denki's bed, almost instantly cuddling with Denki. Hitoshi watched. That's all he was really able to do in these types of situations. If the person you were protecting was in danger mentally. The only thing you could do was try and let see the light. But Denki seemed to go through both sometimes. He didn't know any better than to be disappointed in not being to re-live something he now longed for. A whole day with his parents.

His last birthday, his parents weren't able to do much. There was a pricey bill that drained quite a bit of money, making it harder to celebrate his birthday normally. But that birthday had gotten to Denki, he felt like they didn't care to much for his birthday and was making an excuse that they were busy, to make where they have to celebrate it.

Of course, now Denki has gotten over it, but sometimes it popped in his head when he was upset. He's done illegal things just because people told him too. Because he was too lonely for his own good.

Hitoshi looked at Denki's file. There was always a blank piece of paper that gave you a bland answer on what their thinking. But sadly, it seemed loud and clear to Hitoshi. 

People saw Denki as a kind and sweet person, if someone asked him, they needed help he would help them. People who knew Denki saw it that way. He was miss led. That was the main issue. He was desperate to find someone to show him attention and the affection he didn't get too much. But Denki didn't see that as a reasonable reason of doing things that he's done.

Denki Kaminari did not see himself as someone you could trust. But rather someone you should betray.

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