The allergy attack part 2/ Surprises

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!A/N! I'm not 100% sure how allergy attacks work, and I'm not 100% sure on how you feel after words, or if you have a certain ip pen depending how bad the allergy is. But this is also a whole different universe so let's just say thing's work a bit different. Don't come at me for not knowing how everything works, please and thank you.

Denki felt something keep him up. His legs felt weak as he tried to breath, his mouth feeling itchy. The thought of something keeps him up disappeared as he felt something stab into his skin as he gasps, now being able to feel air go in and out of his body.

When looking over he saw a woman. She had green eyes and hair, similar to the boy who was in the stand, now known as Deku. She wore a tank top like dress, it being a rose pink, she looked quite pretty to say the least. Worry and concern was on the woman's face as she looked at Denki, waiting him to say at least something.

People, of course, were rather annoying at the moment. Some having their phone's out to take a picture or a video for no good reason, some whispering to their family or friends. The ask blond that had called the green haired woman grew more and more irritated as he saw just how messed up people were.

He went near the people that did so, yelling things' such as. "Keep your eyes to yourself!" or "Back off loser!" and even "Leave! You fucking bastards!" and it's not like anyone was going to stop him.

"Hello. My name is Inko Midoriya, I own the cafe that this stand is putting samples for. Are you alright?" The woman now known as Inko spoke, addressing herself first hoping the boy wouldn't get freaked out by not knowing who she was.

Denki nodded, showing that heard as he cached his breath. Fixing his posture, he showed a small smile to green haired woman, who looked worried for him. "I'm fine. This isn't the first time it happened" He answered.

How did Inko even have an ip pen for his allergy? He forgot to ask, and that was his last concern he had. "I am so sorry! I should have been telling people what are in the drink's before giving them a sample!" Deku said, bowing his head as he sounded panicked? Denki looked at him for a moment, trying to find the right words before finally speaking. "I have a rare allergy. It's fine, I swear!" Denki tried to reassure, but it seemed like the green haired boy just looked more and more apologetic.

"I really should be heading home" Denki started, realizing that he should, indeed head back to his home before it got any later. "Don't want to worry my parents!" Denki explained before turning on the hill of his foot, but a hand stopped him. "I'll make it up to you! if you decide to come by the cafe, just know I'll have something to make it up to you!" Deku sated, confidence in his voice. 

"If you don't say ok, you'll make the loser cry" The ash blond warned in a way, as if he had to go through the same situation. "Umm, sure! I'll be sure to stop by" Denki said, before slowly making his way back home, not knowing on how long he's been outside.

As Denki walked, Hitoshi kept an eye out on the people who helped Denki. People may seem nice until you turn your back, and they decide to stab it, just so you know that you can't trust anyone. Life was a dark place, so Hitoshi never truly trusted anyone around Denki. Maybe he'd feel a little more comfortable around some of the people Denki would be around, but no matter where Denki was, he always had his guard up.

While Hitoshi thought about it, he realized that Guardians are like robots in a way. They all are trained the same way, they have the same rules, and if they die everything just apparently turns black.

 Denki walked, seeming tired and he just wanted to head home and get some rest, as the beading sun came down on his back. Who Know's how far he actually walked. Who knows if he ended up getting lost on the way, as Hitoshi thought about his life choices while Denki thought about taking a nice cool shower.

Hitoshi knew that he worked more longer and harder than anyone else, though they told him he wouldn't ever get assigned. They were right in way, as he was the one to assign himself with someone who seems so aware yet so clueless of the dangers. 

But maybe everyone's taunting words were true. Hitoshi never got the daily hour of sleep your supposed to have as a guardian. He got lonely. He's screwed up quite a few times he hated it. Why couldn't things go smoothy? When Hitoshi never got a break, Denki never got a break. How does Denki even deal with such mistakes and challenges? No one seems to ever have the answer to Hitoshi's question's he so longed for.

Hitoshi's thoughts got cut off by Denki opening the front door of his house. Denki's hair was messy, frizzy, and he was sweaty. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, making his hair swoop to the side, making it look even more of a mess.


Denki flinched at the sudden words. Looking in the living room where his mom and dad stood, holding a banner that read 'Happy birthday Denki'. Denki's jaw dropped, seeing Kirishima and Ashido throwing confetti and such while Ranger jumped around in it. Everyone smiling and looking nice, while Denki looked like a wreck. He felt his lips go up into a smile, but it quickly went away hearing his parents say-


While Kirishima and Ashido said at the same time as his parents-


Denki's face dropped, almost looking scared. The mention of moving was exciting when he was a kid, but ever since they moved his parents couldn't spend that much time with him anymore. Hitoshi ran his fingers through his hair as he groaned, he already had a feeling Denki would react this way considering what had happened so long ago.

Denki let out an airy laugh, not knowing how to react anymore. It seemed as though, life liked giving Denki surprises.

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