Moving in a dorm

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Denki walked with a couple of boxes in hand. He was finally going to start school and get his dorm set up. It was nerve wracking but exciting at the same time. He wasn't too happy about having to unpack everything and put in its place.

Ranger walked by Denki's side, seeming in a better mood after he realized Denki could see Hitoshi. Hitoshi held a couple of boxes as well so Denki wouldn't have to go all the way back to his house, considering Denki refused to go into anything with wheels and had an engine for the time being.

Unfortunately, Hitoshi had to wrap his wings around himself as a way to make sure no one though boxes were flying. But Denki couldn't help his laughter when he saw Hitoshi, who looked like he was in a cocoon.

"Stop looking over your shoulder if all your gunna do is laugh" Hitoshi said in a more annoyed tone then anything. Denki's laughter started up once more, holding onto the boxes tighter to make sure they didn't slip out of his now weak grip. "It's not that funny" Hitoshi muttered, a small dust of pink that was barely noticeable made its way on Hitoshi's face from embarrassment.

 His statement only made the blond laugh harder. People walked by confused, but just assumed he might have been listening to a pod cast or on a call and something made him laugh. Ranger just kept fallowing, sometimes leading the way as if he knew where it was.

"But it is funny!" Denki said, trying to contain his laughter after he realized the weird looks, he got. Hitoshi sighed before speaking. "Just keep going." another mutter came from Hitoshi. Denki tried his best to hold his laughter, but seeing someone who walked around with something that looked like a cocoon was hard to ignore.

They walked in silence; small laughter would come from Denki if he looked behind himself or think about it. Hitoshi would only sigh when he would have to tell Denki to be careful when crossing the road as he wouldn't always look both ways.

"Grab your student ID" Hitoshi told, getting impatient and tired of holding the does he held. "I can't really grab it- It's my pocket and my hands are full" Denki said, trying to balance the two boxes on his arm while trying to grab his student ID to get into the dorm building.

"Just put the boxes down" he told the blond, feeling some sort of stress as the boxes wobbled in his one arm grip. "No, I got it..." He mumbled, seeming focused on his task and somehow managed to grab the Student ID he had gotten, with a picture of him smiling wide with his eyes tightly closed.

Denki quickly swiped it; it unlocks the door to the dorm building as Denki pushes through the door so he could go inside without having to put down any boxes. Shinsou got in quickly so it wouldn't look like the door had suddenly froze in place. Though he did almost hit into it.

Denki looked around at the sight of the common room. It was decent, large area with a kitchen. It was pretty nice to say the least. "This seems pretty nice, don't you think?" Denki half said, half asked. "Shut up. People might be in here" Hitoshi warned, but Denki just shrugged off his warning.

The blond made his way to an elevator. The doors opened and Hitoshi and Denki went inside, Denki hitting the second floor with his elbow. The elevator started to move. The weird feeling in Denki's stomach only last so long until it came to a small sudden stop.

The doors opened and the two came out. It was just hallway with doors though the thought of it being dark with no light made Denki shiver at the thought. The blond place his boxes on the floor and grabbed his official dorm key. He felt like he was going in an apartment or something.

He twisted the lock and the door opened. The room seemed decently sized from what the two could tell from just looking at trough the doorway. Denki grabbed the boxes to place them inside of the dorm.

"Guess this is where I'm gunna be chilling till I'm with school" Denki said with a sigh. It didn't sound disappointed; Hitoshi wasn't for sure on what the sigh sounded like. "Welp! You gotta help me unpack" the blond told, a small chuckled escaping his lips. Hitoshi sighed. He already had guessed he would be forced to help, but in all honesty, he would help even if he wasn't asked too.

So, the two unpacked Denki's things. It wasn't that much stuff, but he wasn't sure on where to put considering he wasn't used to the room. But time was not on Denki's side as it passed while he figured out where everything must be placed.


"Finally," Hitoshi sighed out. They were done unpacking. "I'm gunna go throw away the boxes" Denki said, holding the now flattened boxes. Hitoshi was about to fallow Denki until he was stopped. "I'll be ok with just throwing away something. Calm down" Denki spoke with a chuckle as he quickly left the room.

 Denki was in the elevator. It was dark outside at this point, as they had first arrived at the dorm building when the sun was sort of setting. The doors opened and Denki was in the common area once more.

He went over to a trash can and stuffed the boxes in there. He wiped his hands as he turned around. "Hello" a deep voice scared Denki so much he was surprised he didn't scream as he flinched not expecting the unfamiliar voice.

"You're the new student?" The boy that stood in front of Denki asked, though it sounded more like a statement. "Uh, ya" Denki said with a nervous chuckle. The boy had half white, half red hair. Witch stood out to Denki to say the least. His eyes were also two different colors.

"My name is Shoto Todoroki. Sorry about what had happened" He spoke, but his voice didn't have to much emotion. "I mean, it's not like you caused it" The blond spoke, rubbing the back of his neck in a shy, nervous manner.

Todoroki only nodded before walking a different direction. Maybe he just wanted to get to bed? Who knows. Denki sighed before going back in the elevator and back to his dorm room where Hitoshi sat there anxiously.

"I have returned" Denki said with a yawn. Hitoshi was sitting on the floor, why? Who knows. Denki didn't ask. Instead, he sat next to him. "Why does unpacking make you so tired?" Denki asked, but Hitoshi only shrugged as he wasn't too sure himself.

"If you're tired, just go to sleep" Hitoshi told, looking at the bed that was right next to them. "I'm good for now" Denki said.

He fell asleep soon after

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