Start from the beginning

I quickly reply "oh yeah sure okay" then I eat another spoon full of food.

after I have finished eating I notice that rhea is no longer there and I look where her eggs and bacon were and the plate is gone so I just assumed she finished her food and went in her room to play or whatever.

then I pull out my phone from my pocket and look at the time seeing it's 7:46 I mumble underneath my breath "oh shit." I quickly spring out of my seat dropping my bag and running to the bathroom upstairs to brush my teeth as I can hear my dad honking his car telling me to hurry up.

as I finished brushing my teeth I run downstairs to grab my back then shout from the front door "bye bye rhea bye bye mom!" after I say that I run to my dads car and open the car door sliding into the front passenger's seat.

as soon as I get into the car my dad speaks up "took your sweet little time didn't you?" I roll my eyes and put my seatbelt on hearing it click.

when my dad had finally dropped me off at school it was 8:10 as I was about to get out of the car my dad says "forgetting something?" As I think for two seconds then remember "oh oops?"

I give him a quick kiss on his cheek then says "bye dad have a good day and don't forget to pick me up." I see him laugh after reminding him about the time he forgot to pick me up from school sophomore year "bye bye rors" as soon as he says bye I get out the car and turn around to wave at him watching him drive away.

I stand still knowing i have been dreading this moment for weeks. Then I realise I'm no longer on break anymore and I'm back here at this hell.

I slowly start walking towards the school realising I'm five minutes late for form. As I started walking through the halls hearing it go quiet every second I pull out my phone checking what room I'm in. I mumble under my breath in case anyone could hear me "M18 got it."

As I arrived at m18 I realise that's it's okay I'm late because they haven't even done registration yet and there's no assigned seats.

I spot my friends at the back of the class with a seat next to Iona assuming she saved for me.

I quickly walk up to Iona as I get closer to her she stands up and hugging me before I can sit down "hey I missed you" she spoke.

I quickly replied with "but you saw me yesterday"I say as I'm moving the hair out of her face making her smile.

I pull out my chair as she sits down and as soon as she sits down I do the same placing my bag on the back of my chair not wanting it to put it on the floor in case the floor is dirty.

I was gonna ask how Iona's summer was until someone spoke before I could "rory why are you here so late and why weren't you here yesterday Blake's ego was way too high yesterday." Zayn says with a smile at the end of his sentence.

I turn to him then I start to reply to him "I was late because umm my dad is a really really slow driver and I wasn't really on my phone that much this morning so I didn't look at the time, also I was gonna come to school yesterday but there was a incident at home and I had to deal with it sorryyyy." I say not wanting to lie to him.

after I reply to him I turn back to Iona who's looking down at her phone under the desk because our school has this rule where we cannot have phones out in any classes at all.

I try to look what she's doing on her phone but I don't want to invade her privacy so I look up and try to join in to zayn,elias and Blake's conversation but I think they are just talking about motorbikes or something like that I think but I'm not a hundred percent sure

each time I try to talk Blake keeps interrupting me ,which is so so annoying but I give up trying to talk there is no point if I'm gonna get talked over.

I twist my body round to reach for my bag and I take out my strawberry flavoured water and i put it on my lap.

then I hear a voice "rors are you okay your really quiet today." I hear Elias say.

I reply "yeah I'm okay just thirsty that's all, how are you did you have a good summer?" I ask him

then I see Blake stare at Elias as soon as I start talking to him, then I hear Elias reply to me "yeah I'm okay too and yeah my summer was okay I guess." I smile at his response still seeing Blake stare at Elias for some random reason.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I look at my teacher making sure he's not looking in my direction, I slowly take my phone out from my pocket and check my messages seeing it's from a random number.

I make a confused face then I click on the message I read the message "darling I know you miss me and I'm sorry for cheating on you but I think you overreacted like it seriously isn't that deep just come back to me." As soon as I see the word 'darling' i immediately drop my phone on the table drawing a lot of attention to myself earning some stares from people around the room especially zayn Iona Elias and Blake.

I leave my phone on the table and grab my bag and made my way to the door and exits the classrooms.

as soon as I walk out of the classroom Elias chases me grabbing his chair and with my phone in his hand.

"rors come on I've known you since high school you can talk to me what's wrong?" he says with a hint of empathy in his voice.

I grab my phone showing him the messages on my phone I watch his face as he slowly reads the message and I know he immediately know who it's from.

"rors.." he tries to comfort me but he's the type of person who really can't comfort for someone even if it was life or death situation.







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