2. A reader will begin to discover the way to ascend further and either go back to 1 or proceed to keep moving the fragments/shards.

The goal of the 5th Outcome is to move the fragments into a "complete puzzle", how that puzzle looks is different for every person. For some it paints a picture of their soul, for others it may be a picture of their face with a colorful hue background. It could even look like a weird shape or a item that was significant to the source of the Readers timeline, a keepsake to help keep them grounded.

Should the entity fail to handle the burden of a single shard however, their counciouness may shatter completely, spreading out throughout the infinite timelines and turning into even more shards for the next version of them that enters to try again. This is of course not the only possibility, they may also return to their original world or position they were in before entering should a Player watching over them allow them to return. They may also find themselves forever stuck inside of the 5th Outcome unable to do anything but wander forever driven mad by touching a fragment in a desperate attempt to escape, the only thing they can do is break their mind further or watch the shards pass by as their timelines play out.

Completing the Puzzle

Upon the completion of the Puzzle of Shards, a Reader is then promoted to a "Player" or "Writer" or "Author" Authority. This is when the Player gains control over all of the shards and are able to mess with them as they wish, making them a different picture, changing reality entirely, or return with the ability to control what happens around them.
They can also at this point, personalize and customize their "writing area" in the 5th Outcome

A special bonus of this authority however is to then make other worlds, more shards, more souls, they are the story writer now. I suppose it would be silly to say that they are just like you, reading this sentence right here. Hiii, yeah I see you. You can easily make a story yourself you know, it doesn't have to be perfect, just have fun. It doesn't even have to be a story, it could just be a character you enjoy, an "oc" if you will. You will be promoted from Reader Status to Player status too! Who knows, maybe the Player that controls you will have you make something you really like! There's always another Player that controls another Player. Usually anyway.

Ah right back to the dimension explaining, closing the 4th wall again. Bye bye!

Once a player makes a shard of their own, it doesn't have to be based around them anymore, they can create life itself, their own 4th Dimension and 3 Worlds, or create a being in the 4th Dimension that will dream up the 3 Worlds to provide as a source of entertainment.

What the player does next is up to them, they can even make stories about 2 worlds fighting each other, or a world that doesn't grow past the planet their story revolves around. The possibilities are like the 5th Outcome itself, endless.

Should the Player wish to attempt to ascend further however, they would notice that their personalized area they have does have some form of limit eventually, which will lead to the next dimension.

The Contradiction of Infinity
Well congratulations you realized that there is a contradiction with Infinite Possibilities, that is, having truly Infinite Possibilities also contains a possibility that shuts down every other Infinite Possibility, and that is in itself also a Possibility in the 5th Outcome. To counteract this I am here to tell you that obviously yes there are more than a single 5th Outcome. There are beyond Infinite amounts of 5th Outcomes, 1 for every entity and existence within a Universe, even what you would consider "background characters" have their own 5th Outcomes. They just most likely don't know of it. Each 5th Outcome contains many amounts of its own sets of Infinite Possibilities as there is a puzzle for everything and everyone. These Puzzles are said to reveal your true soul even if the puzzle is something as simple as a cube.
But if you didn't think about the contradiction of Infinity, hey maybe you learned something new such as the Infinite Possibility Paradox. You don't really need to worry about it.

 You don't really need to worry about it

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Failure but survival  of the trials can lead to insanity instead

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Failure but survival of the trials can lead to insanity instead

Failure but survival  of the trials can lead to insanity instead

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