I'm in Italy. I landed in Rome a week after my conversation with dad because I quickly realized that it was an opportunity of a life time. A few months working in another country getting new experiences till I feel normal enough to go back home and find a job there is just what I needed.

Yesterday, when I landed I met all of my dad's side of the family. My Grandfather, Uncle Marco, his wife Anya and their three children live in dad's family home. Or I guess my family home aswell.

They are all really nice and welcoming. It didn't feel like I had not seen them in just shy of a decade. It felt almost natural sitting with them and having dinner. It is strange to think that I have an entire family here, a home and everything a person could need to live a great life. And Rome is absolutely beautiful.

Today was my first full day in Rome and I spent it exploring the city with Lucia, my cousin. She's really nice and I know her pretty well since we keep in touch on social media and text alot. Her two older brothers however I am not too close with.

After we got home from doing light shopping around the city, we both retired to our homes, very tired from our endeavors. However Lucia looks anything but tired right now, standing in my temporary room, begging me to go with her to the club.

"Pleasee, we always talked about having fun together like this, why can't we go drinking and dancing." she says dramatically. "You're going to start that job in a few days. This is our last chance." She says.

"Cia I am not dying." I snicker. "Are you even allowed to go to a bar? My dad doesn't love it when I go. I still have a curfew." I squint. Not that I need one, I would much rather be at home near my bookshelf then at a bar.

"It's not a bar." she says distasteful at the thought. "It's a club. It's elite and there rarely any perverse individuals there." She smiles.

"That wasn't an answer to my question" I smile.

"Fine, I am not but we won't get in any trouble as long as we leave late and no one finds out." She smiles mischievously. I laugh.

"Nope, I am not getting in trouble my second night here." I cuddle into my covers more.

"Noo, don't you get comfortable." A frown etches her otherwise soft features. "I will give you the prettiest dress youve ever seen." She bribes. "Please. Please, please, please-"

"Okay!" I shout. "Stop poking holes into my arms." I sigh, standing up. Lucia squeals, hugging me tightly. "But I really will need a dress. I didn't bring anything club appropriate." I shrug. I don't think I have anything club appropriate.

This should be fun.


"I look like a prostitute." I press my lips together, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Lucia gasps.

"Stop it! No you don't you just have bigger boobs and a nicer ass then I do. My clothes don't know how to act." She frowns, cupping her breasts. I shake my head with a laugh. "Oh I have a red dress that my boobs are too small for. Wait." She runs into her closet as I trace the curve of my hip, looking at my body.

I've never looked at myself in a dress like this. I prefer to dress somewhat modest. Mostly because I have always been insecure of my curves. When I first got boobs in 6th grade, I didn't hate them, my mom had them and I always wanted them. But then Angela Demi started pointing them out. She said only fat girls had boobs.

I'm too old for these petty thoughts, but god I hate that bitch.

The most satisfying day of my highschool life was Senior Prom, I threw my spiked punch, curtesy of her, in her face and called her exactly what she was, a bitch.

But no matter how much I know she was a bitch and only said things out of her irrational envy, those remarks and insecurities stick with you.

"This is going to look so good on you." Lucia squeals, shoving the dress in my hands.

"Oh hey I have the perfect shoes to match this." I smile. "Thanks, Im gonna change in my room and come back. Thanks for the hair and makeup." I smile at her.

"You're welcome." she chirps.

My hair is a light brown color and I got it colored even lighter with highlights. I love the way it looks.

Feeling the smooth silk of the red dress against my skin, looking at my reflection in the mirror, bold gray eyes, light hair and red heels, I look and feel like a different person. A sudden rush of bold, hot confidence makes smile at my own reflection before I shake my head, and walk to Lucia's room.

 A sudden rush of bold, hot confidence makes smile at my own reflection before I shake my head, and walk to Lucia's room

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