"Machination and Deception"

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Before the fencing battle between DK and Halen, DK was driving to Halen's location. However, on the highway, he stopped his car beside a public restroom. Exiting the vehicle, DK began to contemplate, his mind drifting as he analyzed the surroundings.

"At night, Diana and I go to the club," he mused.

As DK walked, his gaze fixed on the restroom, his thoughts continued. "Because of overdrinking, she might end up here while heading home. It'll be filthy and dark at night, and then... she will vanish."

Suddenly, five or six men clad in black suits emerged from the restroom. DK and the men made eye contact, but their attention was drawn to DK's burned palm, piquing their curiosity. They approached him.

One of the men in black suits addressed DK, "Wait, you resemble Aryan."

DK smiled and responded, "Do I look like him?"
-"No, we were just curious," the man replied.
DK replied, "No, I'm not. It seems he used to be your main person."
-"You don't need to know that," another man interjected. "He also had a burn mark on his hand, so we thought he was you. But your face doesn't even remotely resemble his, so sorry."

With that, they turned and walked towards their black cars.

As they left, DK looked shocked. Walking towards his car, a whirlwind of words and thoughts raced through his mind. "Nothing in this game is a coincidence, I thought. But today, how could I forget those things? How could I forget my past?"

Opening his car door and stepping inside, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. He shouted aloud, "Ahhh! Am I the villain or the hero trying to script my own story?"

After a while, he started the car and drove onto the highway. His mind continued to churn, pondering, "As we grow, we also abandon our dreams. But after forsaking many, I have just one left to fulfill. Just one."

He pulled up in front of a salon.

Stepping into the salon, DK spotted Tommy and Tinni. As Tommy turned to greet her customer, both she and Tinni were visibly shocked.

In disbelief, Tommy stammered, "Welcome..."
Tinni added, "The fiancé of our queen."

DK chuckled, "Ah-haha, what a coincidence, right? Somehow we meet again. Are you alright, Tommy?"

Tommy replied, "Yeah, totally. What do you need?"
DK answered, "Just a little hair bleach... and I thought you were pregnant, haha."

Tinni interjected, "She doesn't even have a boyfriend, how could she be pregnant?"

DK continued, "I thought you and Boston were dating..."

Tinni retorted, "Really? Same as DK, I thought you were into simps."

Tommy interrupted, "Let's stop this. Let me do my work."

After Tinni's appointment was finished, it was DK's turn. As Tommy worked on DK's hair, he turned to Tinni, "Before, I couldn't get to know either of you. So, Tinni, are you married or anything?"

Tinni laughed, "I'm not as filthy rich as you, officer, so not yet."

DK replied, "Yes, we really need money to make our girl happy, right? Right, Tommy?"

Tommy added, "But Tinni doesn't need that. He charms many girls even without money, I mean those slums girls who do anything at 10 dollar"

Tinni, slightly annoyed, retorted, "Did anybody ask about you?"

DK pointed to Tinni, "That could be your talent. You guys are really cool. Let's hang out again someday soon."

Tommy suggested, "Tinni's birthday is coming up. What do you think, Tinni? Or are you just going to celebrate with your thousands of girlfriends?"

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