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Diana and her group were reunited at Haikyu's place. Simp, Boston, and Tommy were sitting on the couch. Rose occupied a chair, while Haikyu sat at the edge of the couch. Tinni stood leaning against the wall, while Diana stood in the middle of them, her hair wild and fuzzy like a witch's."

Diana shouted at Rose and Haikyu, "Why did you invite him to dinner? Fucking ass."
Tommy said coolly, "Darling, why did you invite all of us in the first place?"
Diana moved closer, curling her lips, "Did I invite you? Ass."
Tommy glanced at Rose, who responded, "What?"
Haikyu stood up and said, "Today, her fiance invited me and her whole group to dinner. So, who wants to go?"
Tinni remarked, "Just that?"
Haikyu looked at Tinni and said, "Why? Because you were busy beating other asses? Running on those streets with a knife in hand."
Tinni smiled and replied, "At least I don't beat other fiancee's ass."

Haikyu said to Tinni, "Here, you're not that street Tinni who listens to his words and works. Here, you're a Tinni who listens to our words and works."

Simp said with a tired voice, "This is why we came here? You know I left the big soccer match."

Boston added, "I have to check my students' exam papers. I can't waste time here."

Diana sat on the floor and said to her group, "DK and I mistakenly went to the hunter's house."

Boston asked, "Hunter?"

Simp said, "Who's Hunter? Your new money bank?"

Tommy slowly started to laugh crazily. "You mean Dunter?"

Rose looked towards Tinni and asked, "Did he pay for your car damage?"

Tinni smirked.

Tommy reminded, "That wasn't even damage if I recall correctly. It was just our way to bully him."

Boston said, "So nothing has changed till now. Why are we digging up the past?"

Tinni said, "Because we didn't just bully at that time, we tortured. Actually, not 'we', just her."

Diana was frustrated. She shouted, "Fucking shut up! DK is a police officer. He's an investigator. That Dunter has filed many complaints, but at that time we had Peter. But now it's DK. What if he sees it?"

Diana started to laugh, laughing crazily. "Nothing has changed, right? Wish it was just a nightmare."

Rose also began to laugh and said, "Nothing has changed, neither our group nor Boston's hair."

Boston punched the couch and said, "Don't talk about my hair."

Rose replied, "Are you in charge today too? Since you always take pills dreaming to get back your hair."

Tommy added, "Nothing has changed. Let's all cool down."

Tommy said, "I know everything, since you guys used to call me a black cobra."

Simp asked, "How do you remember everything? About that shit Dunter."

Tommy slowly looked towards the ceiling and said with a smirk, "Because I used to like him, but of my color he was not attracted."

Counting the drop that fell from my eyes,
Counting the stars that I named with my wish,

Counting my mistake to fix it,
Counting the holy stone that I pray to be

Never felt the happiness that money could bring, but felt those summer sun that made my eyes bleam.

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