"Welcome To My Hell"

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As a man lay sleeping in bed, someone suddenly grabbed his hand and pressed it onto the induction heat. Startled, he jolted awake, feeling shocked and scared. Taking a deep, calming breath, he reassured himself it was just a dream. However, as he glanced at the clock, it read 7:45. It was a nightmare in broad daylight."

As he lay staring at the ceiling, his mind conjured elusive figures and images-a nostalgia of the past haunting him. Memories of someone kicking his ass, someone slapping him, played on repeat in his mind.

His thoughts were in disarray, leaving him confused and frustrated, unable to piece together what had happened the night before. He instinctively placed his hand on his head, only to catch sight of something that made his chin drop-a burn on his palm. And with that sight, everything flooded back to him-all of it.

Staring at the ceiling, he whispered, "My name is... Well, there's no real name, just a nickname... Death Keeper. People call me DK without understanding its weight... I want to leave my past behind to start anew, but there's some mark that reminds me of them, like alarms, waking me every morning.

Silent yet deafening, they echoed through my mind, just like today. Memories flooded back, each detail vivid and haunting-every person clear as sky, every place haunting like a nightmare, every moment captured like a snake, etched into my consciousness. I felt like I am a brewing storm, ready to unleash chaos upon everything in my path."

"Suddenly, DK hears someone calling him in a cute, childish voice, "Baby." His bedroom door opens, and in walks a beautiful lady, her hair cascading down her back, her black eyes sparkling. It's none other than his girlfriend, a woman of medium height with a radiant smile.

DK exclaims, "Ah, my mind feels like it's in a battlefield."

Diana responds with an energetic, cute voice, "We did have a battle last night... Did you forget?" She laughs, "Ahh-haha."

She continues, "Let's go for breakfast now."

As DK moves to freshen up, Diana grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen. He notices she hasn't made his favorite omelette; instead, she's prepared a peanut butter sandwich, which isn't to his taste.

Diana looks at the breakfast and bursts into laughter, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Ah... hahaha! I'm so sorry... I forgot you like omelette. Ahh, my life is so hard."

She starts to head towards the stove, but DK pulls her towards him and says, "I will make it... don't worry."

Diana looks at him with a cute expression and says, "Are you angry with me? Uhm... You can't make it since you always wear those black gloves like a serial killer. I know you have a burn mark, but you know I don't give a shit... Oh, sorry, I mean I don't care. Instead, I would be happy to see it. Since I have seen every inch of your body, so what's there to be shy about?"

She instantly realizes what she said and blushes, "Oh... aha, sorry, I was being so dirty. Ahh, silly me."

As DK starts breaking eggs, he spills a bit, just a tad. Diana stops him, "Stop! Look, you spilled a lot here... I'll help you. Go and just sit... let me..."

DK insists that he can manage, but Diana keeps refusing, "Oh no, let me... let me."

And just like that, Diana's body is pushed backward, and she accidentally puts her hand on the induction heat for a second. She quickly pulls it back, standing in a bent position. She stares at her palm, her eyes wide, dark orbs shining brightly. She freezes as past visions flood her mind, her expression tense.

After a moment, she starts moving again, slowly turning to face DK, who is watching her with wide eyes. Her face is dim, but suddenly colors flood back as she exclaims, "Oh no... my pretty hand! Look, it's burned. What should I do? Will you leave me because I've lost my beauty?"

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