A kiss will make you shut up

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"I'm sure it will fit us perfectly..."
Alastor snapped his fingers and a hooker appeared out of nowhere.
Nifty ran to it and made a little laugh.
"This is what I've been working on!"
On the hooker there were six dresses covered with a black bag.
"I've been working with Nifty, and we did an amazing job!"
Everyone was shocked.
"Is this what I'm thinking about?"
"If you're thinking about amazing dresses then yes!
Come here Charlie, you will be the first one to try it"
The princess of Hell made a joyful sounds and picked the dress with her name.
"This is so amazing! I'm going to try it!"
"Come lovely friends to take your dresses! We will reveal it to each other in 20 minutes!"
Husk picked his bag and went in his room.
He opened the bag and it revealed a black suit with red finishes.
In the back there were the four suits of cards: hearts, diamonds, pikes and clover .
It was a really good suit that Husk actually liked, he put it on and admired himself in the mirror.
He looked good and he was happy about it. Nifty really did a great job.
The cat went downstairs and met the others.
Charlie was spinning around making her dress flow, the dress was stunning, it was a bright red dress with some little gems on the corset and on the head she had a little black heart-shaped clip.
Vaggie was looking at her girlfriend giggling, she had a simple water green dress that was just her style and she was visibly comfortable with it.
Alastor had a suit that was half red and half black, a simple thing perfect for him.
Nifty was wearing a little pink dress with some white gloves and a little black hat on her head.
Looking around Husk noticed that Angel was missing.
"Hey Husk! Looking good!"
Charlie greeted him and did a big smile.
"Thanks, you all look very good too"
"Where's Angel?"
"I don't know...I was about to ask the same thing"
The ticking of heels made Husk look up.
A beautiful sinner arrived at the start of the stairs and stopped looking at Charlie and Vaggie that were laughing together.
Angel was breath-taking with that dress.
It was a long black dress with a split, on the corset it had some pink flames that Husk had already seen before.
The way the dress emphasized Angel's body shape and the way it gently fitted him perfectly made Husk's face completely become red.
He was beautiful and elegant in a way that the cat couldn't stop looking at him.
Husk wanted to take away the black long gloves he was wearing to reveal his slim and elegant fingers just to gently kiss them-
"Are you alright?"
"Because you are all red in your face and you're looking at something...OH MY GOD ANGEL!"
"Damn, you look good"
Vaggie put a thumbs up and Charlie ran to Angel starting to admire the beautiful dress.
"You look majestic!"
"Thanks! You look hot girl, is Vaggie enjoying it?"
"Oh yeah"
"Do you guys like it?"
"Yes Nifty! You did an amazing job!"
The little cyclops laughed embarrassed.
"I recycled your suit and I made your dress, it is the best one!"
"Nifty you did such a good job, you need a prize!"
Charlie clapped happily and took out a little knife.
"Do you remember this? Just like you did with Adam you can do it with Valentino..."
"Charlie no, don't do that"
"Shhh...it's plastic"
Angel smiled and looked up at Husk.
The two made eye contact, the spider winked at him and mimed with his mouth: "you look good".
Husk smiled, Angel was the most amazing sinner in all hell and he couldn't let him go away from him.
"Oh my...look at the time, we need to go!
Do we all remember our plan?"
Everyone answered simultaneously and with a lot of energy.
They were ready, everything was going to change that night.
"Let's go beat that ass!"

Everyone was waiting for Charlie to arrive with the limousine to take them to the party.
"Me and Nifty will go alone, have a nice trip everyone and don't mess up anything!"
Alastor disappeared out of nowhere with Nifty in his arms.
Once the fancy car arrived everyone sat in the backseats.
"Who is driving?"
"Who cares?"
Charlie was so anxious and excited at the same time.
"Babe calm down...before we go is there something relevant you have to tell us?"
"Well no...Alastor already knows it but it's not important"
Angel made a gesture with the hand and made drop the argument.
"Are you sure everything is alright?"
"Yes, don't worry"
Well actually not everything was alright.
Multiple of paranoias and flashbacks were invading Angel's mind.
"So we're going to leave you a little bit before the studio, so you can enter and meet Valentino"
"Or you could just come with us..."
"Husk, no, don't blow the plan"
"I'm just saying! Why can't he just come with us and don't go to that fucking-"
"Don't worry, I will be fine"
Angel squeezed the cat's hand and opened the car's door.
"See you at the party"
"See you later!"
He closed the door and watched the car go away.
A Vox's camera was watching the spider.
"Is Alastor coming?"
"Yes Vox, he is"
"Good, so you're not good just at sucking dicks then"

Angel's was right, everyone at the party was dressed in an elegant way and everyone was calmly enjoying the night.
"Where are the Vees?"
"Vox and Valentino should be there any minutes, Velvet won't be here tonight...
Let's just hope Alastor did his job"
Vox entered the room angrily with a phone in his hand.
"What the fuck is going on?!"
The tv man threw the phone across the room and a tall sinner grabbed it.
"Vox, calm your temper, you're not hot when you're angry"
Valentino was at the entrance of the room  and had his hand on Angel's shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up"
Vox rolled his eyes and looked at the participants.
"Yours favorites Vs have arrived, enjoy your night!"
Valentino walked to the other sinner and started arguing while whispering, thanks to Husk's feline hearing he heard everything.
"What is going on?"
"My cameras don't work!"
"Do you think I fucking know?"
Thank goodness Alastor had done his job with the cameras.
"Fix them then"
"No, I'm waiting for Alastor...I'm going to fuck him up!"
Their plan was already not working: Vox knew that the radio demon was going to be at the party.
"Charlie, Vox knows that Alastor is going to be here tonight"
"What? How does he know it?"
"Look who is here Angel! Aren't they your little friends?"
Valentino was now pointing at them.
"What the hell is going on..."
Husk was really confused, they should have remained hidden until Alastor joined them.
"The princess of hell, her shitty girlfriend and the ex-gambling overlord. What an amazing group, am I right Angel?"
"Aha! I can't believe they really thought I was their friend all this time"
All the three sinners simultaneously looked terrorized the spider that gave a high five to Vox.
"Did you really thought that I would have really been to that shitty hotel just to stay with you?"
"Angel what are you saying?"
"The truth Husk"

Please, please don't believe it.
Angel was literally praying in that moment.
"Didn't you think about the possibility that your little friend, Angel, the porn star of Valentino and my secret worker, was spying on you?"
They were definitely believing all that bullshit, and yes, Angel had been kind of working for Vox too.
He was obligated, he just needed to spy on Charlie and Alastor.
Of course the spider decided to act intelligently and told everything to the radio demon, they decided to report Vox insignificant and false thing just to make him believe that Angel was really spying on them.
"C'mon! You guys really aren't so smart"
Think, think, Angel needed to think a way to make them understand that act wasn't real.
He had heels that made a lot of sounds when he walked, perfect for Morse code.
The spider started to gently tap on the floor with the foot: L-I-E-S
Husk noticed it and didn't seemed to change expression or to understand it.
He still looked pretty shocked.
"Is this a joke Angel?"
"You wish kitty"
"Let's just go away"
Valentino and Vox laughed at them and left the four alone.
"Angel what the fuck?!"
Vaggie was furious and if it wasn't for Charlie she would have already hit the spider in the face.
"You have been spying on us for Vox?!"
"Kind of...but Alastor knew that"
"And I have been kind of tricking Vox, I had no choice"
"The cameras have stop working, so the radio demon did his job...it's time to start our plan"
Everyone started walking to the table where Vox and Valentino were sitting, except for Husk and Angel.
"We need to talk and you need to explain me this"
"Husk, no need, I told you that you can't trust me, I have too many secrets, and-"
"Angel, just tell me everything"
"What if I can't stop talking?"
"I will listen to you until you tell me everything"
"But maybe I will never finish!"
"Then maybe a kiss will make you shut up"
"What if-
Wait what?"

𝒩𝑜 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓊𝓈 | ʜᴜsᴋᴇʀᴅᴜsᴛ Where stories live. Discover now