Deeply in love

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ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: Husk, Angel! When are you guys coming back?
ᴠᴀɢɢɪᴇ: Please be back soon!
ᴀʟᴀꜱᴛᴏʀ: are you lovely fellas still alive?

It has been hours since Angel had looked at his messages, and he obviously didn't notice all the message from the hotel group that Charlie created.

ᴀɴɢᴇʟ: I'm trying to get a way out of here for me and Husk, why?
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: Nifty is crying a lot while sharpening some knifes and singing death threats for you both
ʜᴜꜱᴋ: The fuck is wrong with that child

Husk was now looking at his phone too, messaging the others.
Angel didn't know what Husk thought about the tissue he left for him.
The room was now a mess, his father was having a private meeting with others sinner discussing what to do.
Maybe their plan worked.

ᴀɴɢᴇʟ: Jesus Christ, that doesn't make me want to go back.
Anyway we will come back soon.
ʜᴜꜱᴋ: You will, I won't. I will find another way to get out of here.
ᴀɴɢᴇʟ: The fuck are you saying?
ʜᴜꜱᴋ: I don't do things with cheater
ᴀɴɢᴇʟ: Oh my god! Are you really offended for that bullshit?
ʜᴜꜱᴋ: You tricked my cards!
ᴀʟᴀꜱᴛᴏʀ: What a clever idea you got Angel!
I'm so glad you followed my advice!
ʜᴜꜱᴋ: What? You have allied against me?
ᴀɴɢᴇʟ: No!
ᴀʟᴀꜱᴛᴏʀ: Yes!

Amazing. Could Husk hate him more?
The two weren't sitting near each other anymore, Angel was near his brother waiting for the father while texting his friends and also looking at Husk a lot.
"Do you think our plan worked?"
"I don't know... But I am sick of this bullshit, when can we go home?"
"Soon, I'm tired too"
All the whispering was interrupted by a clap and everyone looked at Henroin.
"Silence in the room! I have something to tell!"

Husk was so sick of all that bullshit that he was really tempted to just stand up and leave the casino.
"Our friend Husk didn't seemed so good with cards, but I'm sure he was just a little nervous.
He is the best gambler and the right sinner for what we need to do"
Husk was really confused, why did they need him?
Angel and Aracknisse looked at each other in fear while Taylor walked to them.
"I think you already know my son, Anthony.
Such a beautiful sinner but so naive!"
Henroin picked Angel's face with a hand and started squeezing it.
Husk jumped from his chair and angrily looked at the mafia boss.
"He decided to sold his soul rather than staying with us.
Is he a masochist? Does he like it?
Who gives a shit?
The important thing is the fact that now he can't join our mafia family anymore"
"What makes you think that he wants?"
Angel stood up breaking free from his father's hand and tried to cover Taylor's mouth.
"C'mon man, leave this shit to us, at least he can't kill us"
"Anthony, let him talk!
That Valentino really changed you a lot"
Sadness and anger filled Angel's eyes that started slowly watering.
"Anyway...Husk, you will bet my son's soul so he can have it back.
It is an order, a simple and clear order"
The cat was so angry, just looking at Angel suffer and can't do anything about it made Husk want to kill Henroin.
He needed to protect the spider no matter what.
But thinking about what the mafia boss said made Husk have a crazy idea, there was really a way to have Angel's soul back?
"Ah...fuck it"
Aracknisse stood up and got out a pair of guns.
"Anthony, my beloved brother, would you like to join me?"
"Don't you even try it Anthony!"
"Why do you even ask?"
Angel made appear four guns and walked to his brother.
They were now back against back.
"You know what to do, on my go, 3,2,1...go!"
Aracknisse started shooting at random things while Taylor joined him.
Angel slitted on the table until he arrived to Husk, he then grabbed him and pulled him away from the fight.
The spider flipped a table and used it as a repair for the both of them.
"Do you still want another way to get out of here?"
"Fuck me for saying that"
"Whenever you want"
Angel winked at him and started laughing.
"That was terrible"
Husk broke in a laugh, not the greatest moment to do that.
"Anthony, we need your help!"
Angel got up and with a leap he jumped over the table and joined the others.
"C'mon don't leave me here alone!"
Husk got his dices and his cards and ran to the others.
"There are too many sinners, we need to get out of here.
Anthony get your cat and go!"
The white spider looked at his brother and before taking Husk's hand he said:
"Don't die, and please call me when you escape from here safe!
Bye guys, be safe.
And Taylor, there is a place at a hotel you may like..."
"We'll see if I don't die... go now"
Angel and Husk started running and arrived upstairs.
"They are coming, I can hear them"
"From where?"
"Everywhere, they are surrounding us!"
"Come here!"
Angel dragged Husk into a small storage room, they were attached to each other, both heavily breathing.
That nearness made the cat be all red in the face, thanks goddess it was dark and Angel couldn't see him.
"You're stepping on my foot"
Angel came closer with the face and gently put a hand on Husk's mouth.
His hand on the cat's face was enjoyable thanks to the warm and the fluffiness.
"Wait a second....sorry"
The spider put a pair of hands around Husk's neck.
"Sorry, I don't know where to put them"
Husk was really tempted to kiss Angel, he wasn't going to lie, he really was deeply in love with that jerk.
"They are gone...come with me"
Husk got Angel's hand and led him outside the storage.
"Angel, do you trust me?"
"Come here"
They were now in a balcony, the night already arrived and it was pretty cold.
Husk picked Angel up in his arms, his hands were squeezing the spider's back and his legs, making sure he could feel safe.
"I hope you are not scared of heights"
"A little...but why-
The two were now flying leaving behind the casino.
Angel was incredibly light and Husk was sure he could keep going with his wings until the casino without any problems.
"Don't drop me! Please!"
"I won't! I'm holding you tight!"
Angel rested his head against Husk's chest looking at the star in the sky.
"Husk I'm sorry..."
"Don't apologize, I understand what you did, you don't need to explain me anything"
"But I want to explain!
This is a shit but I hate keeping secrets from you, and I have plenty of them because my life is a shit, and I'm scared of how you would react"
"Do you want to talk about that with a drink?"
"Yeah... thank you, for everything, and I really mean it"
The cat smiled while the hotel started to appear in the distance.

"Nifty please! I'm sorry that Husk and Angel couldn't be here tonight"
Nifty had been crying for three hours straight while killing spiders and trying to capture the little cat of the hotel.
That was terrifying.
Charlie didn't know what to do, she tried everything and also called the other two plenty of time and sent them a million of messages.

ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: guys are you coming back?
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: hello?????
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: Guys pleaseeeeeee
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: Pretty pleaseeeee
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ: :(
ᴀʟᴀꜱᴛᴏʀ: Maybe they are dead, so sad!

Vaggie sat next to Charlie and hugged her.
"Don't worry, I'm sure they are doing fine"
A scream broke the silence of the hotel.
"That's Angel's voice!"
The two demons rushed in the room falling on the floor.
They then stood up and looked at their friend.
"Where the fuck have you been?!"
They were a complete mess, Angel was all dirty and had scratches and bruises all over the body, Husk was still pretty damaged but less than Angel and he had a red kiss mark on the forehead.
"What he you done?"
"You look terrible"
Angel fell on the floor and remained lying down.
Husk started looking for the radio demon everywhere.
"Husk, what are you doing?"
"Where is he?"
"I'm here!"
Alastor appeared out of nowhere and smiled at the cat.
"Give me back my soul!"
Everyone in the room looked in shock at Husk.
"And why would I?"
"Why do you want it my lovely friend?"
"I want to bet Angel's soul with Valentino!"
The radio demon smiled even more looking really creepy.
"Nothing is free, you know that right?"

𝒩𝑜 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓊𝓈 | ʜᴜsᴋᴇʀᴅᴜsᴛ Where stories live. Discover now