I want my soul back

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"Husk, no, don't even think about it"
Angel stood up and grabbed Husk's arm trying to make him go away from Alastor.
"Angel, my dear, why are you trying to make go away my little friend?"
"He's drunk, he is saying random things"
"I'm sober"
Husk somehow escaped from Angel's hands and walked again to the radio demon.
"I'll do whatever you want, just let me bet his soul"
"You said whatever?"
Alastor smiled even more and started glitching.
"Husk, for god sake, stop, are you really going to follow my father's plan? I thought you have seen how he is"
"Wait what? Angel you have a father?"
Vaggie and Charlie looked confused the spider.
"Yes, normal people do"
"No, I mean, you have a father in hell?"
"He does! He also have a brother, her mom and her sister are in-"
"Alastor, enough!"
"So Husk, I see you really want that..."
"Alastor please, don't listen to him, go to sleep"
"I'm not tired!"
"But it's really late, you should go..."
Charlie screamed and the room became quiet.
"You are so much in trouble!"
Husk and Angel looked at each other and smiled.
"Trouble? What are we six?"
"Husk, you went somewhere without telling anyone and came back in terrible conditions with a kiss mark on the head.
Now you want to bet with Valentino.
Angel, you went somewhere telling only Nifty about that and came back like you could faint any moment. You have a fucking family you didn't tell us and maybe some other shits you kept for yourself.
Alastor, you need to stop trying to make Husk's situation even worse!"
Everyone looked at Charlie and no one dared to say a word.
"Good job babe"
Vaggie was the only one to seem happy.
"That's what we're going to do, everyone will follow me on the couch where we will discuss about it..."
The princess of hell left the room running and came back seconds later with a box full of strings.
"While we make bracelets!!"
"You got to be kidding me"
Everyone was already sitting on the couch or on the floor, well everyone except Husk and Angel and...
"Where is Nifty?"
"Oh yeah, we closed her in a closet"
A loud sound interrupted their conversation and a little cyclops ran in the room.
"The bad boys have arrived"
"Nifty we are so sorry"
Angel picked the little girl up.
"You are forgiven if you give me your suit"
"Yes, thank god, it is the most uncomfortable thing ever, I will write a text to Cherri to thank her later"
"Yeah I need to change too, this suit is terrible...maybe Angel needs to put some bandages on his wounds too"
"Don't worry, I'm fine, I can do it later"

Husk was really sitting on the floor making bracelets, he couldn't believe it.
With a pink string he was trying to do something unsuccessfully.
"So Husk, what is this thing you were saying?"
"I'm saying that we can have Angel's soul back!
I can bet it with Valentino, I'm pretty sure I would win every card game with him"
"You can do that?"
"Only if Alastor lets me do that and makes me have back my soul"
"Oh now, I could change the contract we have..."
"Then let's do this!"
Charlie was so determined and so was Husk, making Angel happy meant a lot for him, finally the spider could live a normal life in hell and maybe he could have a relationship with him.
"Guys no"
Angel was on the couch, his knees touching Husk's back.
"I don't want any of you to have something to do with Val, he is a bitch, he always finds a way to make things way worse"
"But what if we act smarter and we actually have your soul back?"
"But what if you loose? He will want something, probably your soul"
Angel's hands were skillfully weaving brown strings into a beautiful bracelet.
"My dear Angel, if you give us some trust and we all put much effort in this mission I'm sure we will have no problem"
Alastor had already finished his bracelet and was just talking.
"Wow Alastor, you already finished!
When you finish your bracelet you can give it to the person you trust and love the most!
This is our group activity for today"
Charlie grabbed five strings and started making five bracelets.
"Charlie what are you doing?"
"I'm doing five bracelets for my five best friends!"
Little rainbows appeared out of nowhere and started floating near the princess of hell.
Angel got up and put a hand on Charlie's shoulder.
"Thank you all for what you are trying to do, but please don't.
This could go really bad"
"Angel...you are bleeding"
The spider's back was covered in blood.
"Oh shit, I must have hurt myself at the casino"
Husk also stood up and walked to Angel.
"Come with me, I will heal the wounds"
"Go my little dears and Angel tell my if you change idea, we will wait here"
"Also finish your bracelets!"
"Already done!"
"Then give it to someone!"

"I will try to do it the most gentle I can"
Angel felt a burn in his back and the softness of the cotton swab.
"How did you hurt yourself?"
"I don't actually remember..."
The spider hissed at the pain.
"You're fine"
An awkward silence filled the room.
"So you were an overlord?"
"Yes, it surprises me that you didn't understand that before"
"What do you mean"
"The song...I sold my soul to save my power..."
"And you were a mafia boss?"
"Yeah...in my mortal life.
When I arrived to hell my dad tried to re-build the mafia family we had but I couldn't do it again.
I signed the contract with Valentino and moved in the studio, I lost contacts with my brother and my dad didn't seem to care that much about it...until now"
"Wasn't it more easy to just join them?"
"It sure was more easy but it was also more terrible.
I hate making people suffer or just threat them, it is nonsense and horrible.
I lost all my family 'cause of a fucking mafia war, I'm not doing that shit again"
"You are the only sinner who doesn't deserve Hell..."
Angel huffed.
"Tell me about yourself, what did you do in your mortal life?"
"Let's see... I liked a lot music and learning languages"
"How many languages do you speak?"
"Holy fuck, and do you-"
"Yes, I am fluent in Italian"
"So you..."
"Yes, I understood every word you said when you were talking angrily that time"
Damn x2. That demon was really able to do everything.
"Your turn Angel, tell me a curiosity about your mortal life"
Angel's life hasn't been the best, he lived a really short life and didn't do much except kill people and do mafia war.
"I had heterochromia"
"Yes, I had one blue eye and one brown.
I still have them of different colors"
"That's cool"
Husk finished putting some bandages around the spider's back.
"Done, wait a day or two to take a shower, tomorrow I will check if everything is alright"
"Have you finished your bracelet Husk?"
"Yeah, it is a bit messy but it's done, you?"
"Yeah, but I don't like it, it is brown...who likes brown?"
"I do"
"Are you kidding me?"
"No, it is my favorite color"
"It is a disgusting color, it's the color of the shit"
"Well I like it"
The spider gently took the cat's hand and kept it for a while.
"Then I think you'll like this more"
Angel slitted the perfectly intertwined bracelet on Husk's wrist.
"And yes, you are the person I trust the most"
The cat made an amazing surprised face that completely filled the spider's heart.
He then started giggling.
"Give me your hand, Angel"
A messy pink bracelet was now on Angel's wrist.
"You are also the person I trust the most, I tried my best, and if you don't believe that you are important to me you should know that I hate pink and I would never use it except for you"
Angel's eyes started watering, he couldn't help but hug Husk and squeeze him.
"Oh god, I didn't mean to make you cry"
"They're happy tears, you know, it's good to know that someone you trust also trust you"
The spider slowly broke the hug and faced again the cat.
"You can call me Anthony if you want.
It's so strange, you're the first one I tell you this"
"I think I will call you in both ways"
Husk got up and sat next to Angel.
"Why don't you want us to try to have back your soul?"
"Because...I'm scared.
I don't want you guys to live the shit I'm living, this could go terribly wrong.
And don't even try to make your life even worse with Alastor for me!"
"But what if we win? What if Alastor don't want anything too big from me?
You would be free from that motherfucker!
You wouldn't come back every night crying because that rapist hurt you!"
"I don't know Husk...I'm really worried about all this thing"
"Anthony look at me"
Hearing his real name from the cat made Angel have goose bumps all over his body.
"I promise you that I will be safe, I won't accept any big deal with Alastor that could potentially hurt me, I will be careful when I talk with Valentino and I promise I won't loose that card game"
"Why are you doing all this for me? I couldn't even tell you all my secrets-"
"Because I care about you, I hate when you cry and I want to help you with all my soul but you keep pushing me away because you're too scared"
Angel was now crying and sobbing looking at Husk who gave him a sad smile.
"Husk, you're the one who changed me completely into a better person, I trust you and I care about you, so let's do this, I want my soul back!"

𝒩𝑜 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓊𝓈 | ʜᴜsᴋᴇʀᴅᴜsᴛ Where stories live. Discover now