Chapter 23

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The rhythmic pounding of music thrummed through the sleek, modern gym, a counterpoint to the grunts and groans emanating from the various workout stations. Reena, dressed in comfortable workout clothes, navigated the maze of treadmills and weight machines, her focus solely on the task at hand.

Lately, the gym had become her sanctuary, a place to escape the suffocating reality of the Bairya mansion and the ever-present awareness of Rajveer. Their collaboration on the art project had brought them closer, fostering a sense of camaraderie that surprised them both. Yet, the underlying tension of their forced marriage still lingered, a constant reminder of the boundaries they couldn't seem to cross.

Lost in her thoughts, Reena nearly bumped into a group of women clustered around a weight bench. Their giggles and hushed whispers alerted her to the source of their attention – Rajveer.

He was shirtless, his toned physique gleaming under the harsh gym lights. Sweat beaded on his forehead, highlighting the sharp angles of his jawline and the sculpted muscles of his chest and arms. Reena couldn't help but steal a glance, a flicker of something akin to appreciation igniting within her. He was undeniably handsome, a fact her pride tried desperately to ignore.

But the moment was shattered by the women's unashamed ogling. Their eyes devoured him, their whispers laced with a suggestive undercurrent. A surge of possessiveness, an emotion she couldn't quite define, flared within her.

Before she could even process this unexpected feeling, Rajveer's gaze met hers. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a wolfish grin. He nonchalantly grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his brow, his eyes locked on hers in a way that sent a shiver down her spine.

Without a word, he excused himself from the group of women, their disappointed groans echoing through the gym. He strode towards Reena, his movements purposeful.

"There you are," he said, his voice low and husky, a stark contrast to the pounding music. "I was starting to think you'd gotten lost in the maze of weights."

Reena couldn't meet his gaze. The possessiveness she felt earlier now morphed into a strange sense of anger. "Apparently, you have more admirers here than weights," she retorted, her voice laced with a sharp edge.

Rajveer's smile faltered slightly. He glanced back at the group of women, a hint of annoyance flickering across his face. "Don't be ridiculous," he said, his voice calm but firm. "Those women don't mean anything to me."

Reena scoffed. "Easy for you to say. You have them eating out of the palm of your hand with those... abs."

Rajveer's eyes narrowed. "This isn't about my abs, Reena," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "This is about you."

He reached out, his hand hovering over hers. The heat radiating from his touch sent a jolt through her body. In that charged moment, the gym with its thumping music and curious onlookers faded away. All that remained was their heated gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"The only person who has the right to see me like this," he continued, his voice a husky whisper, "is you."

Reena's breath hitched. His words were a blatant admission, a declaration that shook her to the core. But before she could respond, his words were cut short by a booming voice.

"Rajveer! There you are! I've been looking all over for you."

Manveer burst into the gym, a breathless smile on his face. The tension between Reena and Rajveer shattered instantly, replaced by a sense of awkward relief.

"Manveer," Rajveer greeted, his voice regaining its usual composure. "What brings you here?"

"Good news about the art space!" Manveer exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "I found the perfect location – a beautiful old warehouse with tons of potential. We just need to schedule a meeting with the owner to finalize the deal."

Rajveer glanced at Reena, a silent question hanging in the air. She nodded curtly, a silent agreement forming between them. The art project, their shared goal, became a welcome distraction from the charged moment that had just passed.

The rest of the afternoon flew by in a flurry of discussions and plans. They strategized with Manveer, their teamwork a testament to the unexpected bond they had forged. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the gym floor, they decided to call it a day.

Rajveer walked Reena out of the gym, the comfortable silence a stark contrast to the earlier tension. He had changed back into a t-shirt, the possessiveness of his earlier words replaced by a thoughtful expression.

"So," he finally said, his voice breaking the silence that was quite a scene back there," he admitted, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Reena bit her lip, unsure how to respond. The possessiveness that had flared within her felt ridiculous in the light of their forced marriage. "It was nothing," she finally mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

Rajveer chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "Nothing, huh? You looked like you were ready to launch a full-blown defense against those gym bunnies."

His playful teasing brought a reluctant smile to her lips. Maybe, just maybe, there was room for a little lightheartedness between them.

"Well, they were ogling you like a piece of meat," she retorted, a playful edge creeping into her voice. "It was... uncalled for."

Rajveer raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his eyes. "So, you're admitting you were jealous?"

Reena's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Jealous? Absolutely not," she denied a little too vehemently.

He stopped walking, forcing her to meet his gaze. His eyes, a warm brown, held a spark of amusement that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Reena," he began, his voice low and serious, "the only person I care about seeing me like that is you."

His words hung heavy in the air, a blatant admission that caused her heart to skip a beat. There was a definite shift in their dynamic, a growing undercurrent of something more that neither of them dared to name.

"And," he continued, a playful smirk returning to his lips, "believe me, those gym bunnies don't stand a chance."

Reena couldn't help but laugh, the tension dissolving under his playful charm. There was a newfound ease between them, a sense of camaraderie that surprised them both.

They continued walking, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

"So," Rajveer said, nudging her playfully, "ready to conquer the art world tomorrow?"

Reena met his gaze, a newfound determination sparkling in her eyes. "Absolutely, Mr. Bairya. But just remember, it's a partnership. No single-handedly saving the day this time."

Rajveer grinned. "Wouldn't dream of it, Mrs. Bairya. We're in this together."

As they walked side-by-side, the weight of their contract marriage seemed to lessen somewhat. They were still bound by an agreement, an unconventional one at that, but they were also forging a connection, a bond built on respect, shared goals, and perhaps, a spark of something more. The future remained uncertain, but as they walked into the setting sun, they faced it together, not as husband and wife in name only, but as a team, united by a purpose and a growing sense of... possibility.

That's it for today

See you guys in next chapter

Comment and vote guyz plz

Till next time 


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