Chapter 22

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The imposing glass and steel behemoth that housed Bairya Constructions loomed before Reena, a stark contrast to the sprawling greenery of the Bairya mansion. Determined to take charge of her new, albeit unconventional, reality, she marched towards the entrance, her chin held high.

The opulent lobby felt more like a five-star hotel than a corporate office. Gleaming marble floors reflected the harsh overhead lights, and a receptionist with a flawlessly manicured smile sat behind a sleek, modern desk.

"Good afternoon," Reena greeted the receptionist, her voice laced with forced confidence. "I'm here to see Mr. Manveer Bairya."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow, her smile morphing into a look of polite skepticism. "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but—" Reena began, only to be interrupted.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Bairya doesn't meet without prior appointments," the receptionist cut in, her voice dripping with practiced politeness. "Perhaps you could call his secretary and schedule one."

Reena bristled inwardly. This wasn't how she envisioned her first visit to her "husband's" workplace. But before she could formulate a retort, a booming voice echoed through the lobby.

"Reena? What are you doing here?"

She spun around to see Rajveer standing a few feet away, his face etched with surprise. Beside him stood a nervous-looking man in a crisp security uniform.

"I... I came to see Manveer," Reena stammered, feeling a flicker of embarrassment under Rajveer's intense gaze.

The security guard, sensing a shift in power dynamics, cleared his throat. "Sir, this young lady insisted on seeing Mr. Manveer without an appointment. I tried to explain our protocol..."

Rajveer cut him off with a sharp gesture. "That's alright, Santosh. You can go."

The guard's eyes widened in disbelief. "Go, sir? But... her appointment..."

"Her presence is all the appointment she needs," Rajveer said, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

Santosh, clearly flustered, stammered a goodbye and scurried away. The air crackled with a tense energy, a silent battle of wills between Rajveer and the now-dismissed security guard.

Reena, both surprised and slightly alarmed by Rajveer's sudden protectiveness, reached out to touch his arm. "Rajveer, you didn't have to—"

He turned to her, his expression softening. "You're my wife, Reena," he said, his voice low and firm. "And my wife doesn't need appointments in my own company."

The receptionist, witnessing the exchange, coughed awkwardly. "Perhaps you'd like to use the conference room on the top floor, Mr. Bairya?"

Rajveer nodded curtly, his gaze still fixed on Reena. "Lead the way."

They followed the receptionist, the silence between them heavy with unspoken emotions. Reena couldn't help but dwell on the way Rajveer had defended her, the way he'd dismissed the security guard without a second thought. Was this all just a show of power, or was there something more beneath the surface?

As they reached the opulent conference room on the top floor, offering a breathtaking view of the city skyline, the receptionist excused herself. Finally alone, Reena turned to Rajveer, her voice laced with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, gesturing towards the now-empty doorway.

Rajveer walked towards the expansive window, his back to her. "Do what?" he replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

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