Prologue Chapter

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at the night of October 6 2006, a pretty child was born by the parents of Aurora and Lucifer Morgensteorra . this child was blessed with beautiful features, naming him Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. he was one of the best students, he had a bright future. he was also the kindest, making sure no one was hurt mentally or physically. he was... a perfect child. and his mother loved him.

however, his father wasn't the best person. in fact, by his name he was the worst. comparable to that of the actual devil. and Venus hated him. but he was like his father.

in fact, he resembled him in many ways. his mother loved him, but his father hated him. and he somewhat returned the feeling.


as the students gathered to their fellow classmate who recently dyed his hair, Venus took notice of his cousin's new hair style.

Terra had dyed his hair Blue with some green stripes. instead of the usual black hair he bore. the slightly smaller of the two wasn't too impressed.

"Hey Venus!" Terra took notice of his doppelganger. he smiled.

"what?" Venus replied.

"you haven't given me an opinion on how I look!" the arrogant family member wasn't pleased with his ignorant cousin.

"well... I guess you look cool?"

"exactly!" Venus chuckled at that.

his cousin was... how would he say it nicely? DUMB. he was somehow passing grades when he cant even take hold of a single lesson. he was also a delinquent for a 6th grader. unlike Venus. Terra wasn't the nicest person to be around. he was egotistical, spoiled, and basically a narcissist.

however, even if he's not the best person, his background is somewhat bright. born to parents,  Gavin and Theia Aalem, he pretty much has loving parents. well... before his mom died of childbirth when his little brother was born. yet, that still doesn't stop anything. his father never stopped loving them. and Venus was envious. he had a somewhat stable life. yet, he was a horrible person. 

As the day ends, Venus was still stuck in school because his bastard of a father is late to pick him up. he started fidgeting with his fingers, shaking his leg up and down as he tries his best to be patient.

the teachers took notice of him and called his parents, yet nothing on the other end of the line.

"it's alright Venus..." as the adults comforted him.

 he was worried for his mom. what if there was something going on and he wasn't there for her? what if his dad killed her?! what if there was a fire? he started to overthink about it.

as time went on, some of the members of the faculty left and one teacher stayed to watch over Venus.

he kept being anxious. it was past the time already! but finally, someone came to pick him up. it was his mother.

oh how joyful the youngster felt. he ran over to her as he hugged her. but something was wrong. something was very wrong.

"Venus, I will always love you and don't ever stop thinking that." she kissed her son on the forehead before they walked back home. of course, Venus wasn't stupid to know that something bad was about to happen.

but he didn't question it. he didn't want to upset his mom, ever. as they walked back home, he noticed some pairs of boxes outside and he observed the place. 'why was mom's stuff outside?'

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