uhhhmm- 200 special!!!||Drake||Angst

63 1 14

Ship: Drake (Drew x Jake)

Type: Angst (Yipieeee)

Requested by: @pixie_bie 


(lol dramatic drake death scean.....)

It was a crisp, early spring morning; the sky was a vibrant blue, untouched by a single cloud. Birds chirped merrily as they fluttered from branch to branch, their feathers glistening in the warm sunlight. The air was heavy with the scent of cherry blossoms, their delicate petals drifting lazily toward the grass below, carpeting the ground in a snow-like blanket. But amidst this idyllic scene, there was one disturbing element: the sound of someone retching violently.

Jake's eyes snapped open, and he sat up suddenly, heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't meant to fall asleep under the cherry blossom tree again; he'd been hoping to avoid the nightmares that always seemed to haunt him here. But now, as he looked around, he realized that something was terribly wrong. Drew, his best friend since childhood, was doubled over near the base of the tree, his face pale and clammy, his eyes glassy with pain. Blood dripped steadily from his mouth, staining the petals beneath him a deep crimson.

Jake scrambled to his feet, rushing to Drew's side. "Drew, are you okay? Oh my God, are you bleeding?" He tried to steady his friend, but Drew whimpered weakly in his grasp.

The reality of the situation began to sink in as Jake looked around, horrified. The blood on the ground, the petals stained red, the weak, racking coughs that wracked Drew's body. He knew what this was. He knew what Drew was going through. It was the hanahaki sickness, a terrible affliction that could only mean one thing: unrequited love. In this case, it was Drew's love for him, Jake, that was slowly killing him......


"drew? DREW? haha- drew this isn't funny... Drew wake up! DREW!..."




See you next time <3

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