Drander || A new bond formed || smut/lime ||Pt.1

105 3 78

Ship: Drander (Drew x Zander)


Requested by: @snowieTMF  and  @Savy_May 


The air was thick with nostalgia and cheap beer as everyone filed into Drew's parents' mansion for the reunion party. The familiar faces of his former classmates from Rosemeadow High School surrounded him: Hailey, with her teal hair and practiced smile; Milly, the pink haired devil, already spiking the punch; Sean, looking tired; Luke, Zander, Jake, Henry, Liam, Zoey, and Lia. They all milled about in the living room, catching up on old times and reminiscing about the "good old days." Drew tried to make conversation with everyone, but his heart wasn't quite in it. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment for being dragged along to this thing. His parents had insisted that he host it, despite his protests that he was busy with work and adulting. But here he was, stuck playing the gracious host, trying to make the best of a situation he hadn't asked for.


The party moved to the dining room, where they gathered around a massive table to play Monopoly. It was a chaotic mess of money and hotels and angry accusations of cheating. And then, someone suggested playing Truth or Dare. The group groaned, but eventually acquiesced. As they sat in a circle on the floor, Drew couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He took a sip of his water, steeling himself for whatever came next.The game started innocuous enough, with people revealing their deepest fears and most embarrassing moments. But then, it was Milly's turn. She smiled sweetly at Drew and said, "I dare you to drink the rest of your water, Drew." He chuckled, thinking it was harmless, and downed the glass.

As the night wore on, however, the drinks started to take effect. One by one, people began to slur their words and stagger around. It was obvious that someone had spiked the punch. Drew felt a warmth spread through his chest, and the room started to spin. He vaguely registered Sean and Hailey trying to keep an eye on everyone, but they were clearly struggling themselves. Suddenly, Zander appeared at his side, his eyes glassy and his cheeks flushed. He wrapped an arm around Drew's shoulders and pulled him into a sloppy hug.

"You're my favorite," Zander slurred, grinning widely. Before Drew could respond, Zander scooped him up bridal-style and carried him away down the hall. They rounded a corner and burst into Drew's bedroom, laughing hysterically. Zander deposited him on the bed, still laughing as he climbed on top of him. "w-What! n-no! i-..im uhm..".

Drew felt a thrill of panic course through him as Zander leaned in close, their lips inches apart. Zander mumbled, his breath hot against Drew's skin. "I mean... not that I don't love luke, but..." He trailed off, his words even more. "You know..."

Drew closed his eyes, feeling Zander's weight press down on him. A part of him wanted to push Zander off, tell him no, but another part... something deeper... wanted this. He felt Zander's hand slide up his chest, over his shoulder, and around his neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met in a messy, sloppy kiss. It was nothing like the small kisses he resaved from Zoey in high school, but it felt right somehow. Zander's tongue slid between his lips, and Drew surrendered to the sensation. He moaned into the kiss, arching his back as Zander's hand slipped lower.. and lower....

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