Chapter 19

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Enjoy the chapter....

CJ pov-

Tonight was the night I check out the four mysteries figures. I got dressed wearing all black clothes . Black shirt, hoodie, shoes.... The last thing I packed was my twin daggers. When you learn ninjutsu you gain a weapon when you are ready for it. My weapon of choice is the twin daggers. The daggers have a black handle and a silver curved blade. I don't usually take them out because I always have my knives for fights, you know just in case.

Are you ready? Max asked. I nodded.

"I have my knives, daggers, hoodie on to cover my face." I have throwing knives instead of ninja stars for two reasons. One I'm just better with them and two I can always get throwing knives from a friend named Murakami.

Now CJ be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. I smiled.

"I'll be find. And if I need help I'll howl to you." With that I climbed out the buildings window and jumped on the roof tops. To be honest I've never done it before, but there's a first for every thing.

Time pass

I finally found two of the shadows I'm looking for. I quietly jump onto their building and duck down by a near by vent. One of the figures were calling somebody while the other looked bored. I quietly creep forward and my eyes widen. I had to cover my mouth to cover my gasp.
They're turtles?!?!
The blue masked one hung up the phone and went to the orange mask turtle.
"Let's go Mikey. We're going to meet up with the others guys on 55 street."
"I'm coming," he said in a bored, tired voice. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. That sounded like Mikey. The turtles move to the next building as I follow from behind. When they stopped at a building near 55 street I slowly hind behind another vent. Why are there mutants running around in New York, I thought. I thought I was the only mutant that left the Kraang's lair, besides Max of course.
"Leo are we almost done? I have a zombie-thon I have to see in 10 minutes! I don't want to miss it," the orange, Mikey, whined. 'Leo' tilted his head to the side as if listening. Oh no. I slowly back up making sure I can't be seen.
"Leo what's wrong?" My eyes shot open. W-w-was that Donnie?

"Do you hear something bro?" Mikey asked. I bit my lip and peck around the corner. I couldn't help it. I heard Don's voice and curiosity got to me. As I look around the corner I quickly pull back. The blue masked turtle threw a ninja star right at me! I barely manage to dodge as I ran to the next building. Not the best move but being fast does come in handy. I sped through the roof tops hearing them coming after me. I look back to see them keeping up with me. I frowned as they split up. One was on the left building, one was on the right, and two were behind me. Ugh! why are they fast. They started to close in on me.
"Give up," the leader said," You're out numbered." I came to a sudden stop as the red mask turtle lands in front of me. I back up, but into another turtle. Crap. I'm surrounded.
"Who are you and who do you work for?" Leo asked/demanded. I just glared at him.
"Who's asking."
"None of your businesses girly," the red mask said. I looked at the other turtles behind me and they seemed kind of... frozen.
"Now tell us who you work for or I'll beat it out of you," he threaten. I just smiled.
"I would love to stay and chat,but I have a curfew so..." I turned around and round house kicked the turtles behind me and ran to the edge. Sadly my plan didn't work. I was shoved to the side by Raph and tripped to the floor.
"Trust me,"Raph said," you won't get away that easily." I leaped towards him and pushed him to the ground.
"I beg to differ." I may be a bit out of shape with my ninjutsu, but I can easily fix that.....

Hey readers! I just wanted to say that the next chapter is the fight scene and you have to bare with me. I'm not good at writng fight scene so yeah. Still hope you like the next chapter.

The Wolf GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora