Chapter 3

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Hope you like the story so yeah....

CJ pov-
Sadly I ran out of throwing knives so I have to do hand to hand combat. My eyes search the shadows for my mystery man. Finally I found him... or I at least his eyes. The were a mix of red and brown. He took a step forward but didn't leave the shadows.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
I nodded," Yeah I'm ok." I'm pretty sure I saw a small smile grow on his face.
"Well ok," was all he said before turning around.
"Wait!" I yelled. If he thinks he's going to walk away with out showing his face he's wrong. I've watched plenty of movie were the hero doesn't show his/her face. They act all mysteries and dark. Those are the movie I hate. I always think to myself just show yourself it won't kill you! The man waited for me to continue.
"Are you going to show me your face or are you one of those save the girl and leave her wondering forever type of heroes?" He didn't respawn.
"Come on you can't look that bad," I said.

Donnie's pov-

I don't look that bad. I look terrible! Not only am I a giant talking turtle I look like I haven't slept for weeks. Which is somewhat true. I continued to look at this girl who wanted to see me so badly.
"Trust me," I said," you don't want to see me." She just rolled her eyes.
"Trust me when I say I've seen worst
Like you want to throw up worst." I chuckled.
"I'm pretty sure I'm in that category," I said.
"Stop being such a downer. You probably look great." Her eyes were filled with hope. Suddenly a grin came to her face.
"Tell you what, meet me at the park at 7:30. That should give you plenty of time to look non-throw up worthy." I just stared at her with surprise. Most people wouldn't want to see the hero. They just want to be safe and go home. What do I do? I can't say yes cause I'll get killed if I sneak, out let alone caught but I can't say no to that face. Plus she actually wants to meet/hang out with me. That's more than want April would have wanted. I sighed thinking if April. No, I need to get over her. I look back at the girl. Her brown eyes stared backed at me waiting for an answer.
"I guess.." I said a bit unsure. A smile spread across her face.
"See you tomorrow?"
"Yup." With that I vanished into the shadows and was on my way home. I can't believe I just did that. I walked home and before I knew it a smile was on my face too.

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