The Dreaded Doctors

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I began to bite at my fingers as the anxiety set in. We are driving to the doctors and the realization hit after the first 5 minutes into the ride. Suddenly my hand is removed from my mouth, replaced by a smooth, rubber feeling, snapping me out of my trance. I look over to see Max smiling at me, holding my hand. After a minute, we were finally at the doctor's office.

"Bug please... it will be okay I promise." Jay pleaded with me as I continued to scream and cry. Not allowing anyone to get me anywhere near the dreaded building. "Can... I try something Jayden?" Max says walking up behind the struggling boy. "Yeah sure, just be careful." He says exhausted. Max carefully took me from Jay's arms, holding me close and sitting on the floor. I instantly calmed down in Max's arms. I looked up at him, teary.

"Hey there little dino, can you tell me what has you so worked up?" Max said in a soothingly calm voice. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, only more cries. Max held me close and shushed me, whispering calming words into my ear.

After around 5 minutes I finally calmed down, holding onto Max tightly. Jay and Maman had already gone inside to fill out the paperwork and sign me in after Max's insistence. I whine as i'm lifted up, instinctively wrapping my arms and legs around him. He begins to walk inside, making sure to grab a clean paci and a stuffie out of my bag to keep me calm. I buried my face in his neck as we walked inside, trying to hide my red face. "Just in time boys, his name was just called." Maman said, causing me to curl up closer to Max, Earning a soft chuckle and a comforting back rub. 

Anyone else hate going to the doctors? It's so scary, my CG is gonna have to DRAG me! 

ANYWAY sorry for disappearing again! and sorry for such a short chapter, I promise im working on it! Ive been hyper fixated on Bungo Stray Dogs for the twentieth time so its all ive been able to focus on 

Hope yall are enjoying the story! Thanks for the support! I will post the next chapter tomorrow! <3

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