The Dreaded Doctors pt.2

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I was sat on Max's lap, refusing to let go, as maman and Jayden answered the nurse's questions. "Alrighty the doctor and I will be back in a minute." The nurse says, walking out. "Thank you." Maman calls back. Suddenly I feel myself being picked up and turned around, making me whine from the loss of comfort. "Sorry little one but we need you to be awake when the doctor gets here." Jay says, petting my hair, earning a pout from me.

    Maman whispered something in Max's ear and he gave her a small nod, slightly tightening his grip on me. "He bunny how about we get something yummy after this yeah?" Jay says in an attempt to distract me. Soon the doctor came in accompanied by the nurse carrying a small tray with a few needles. Panic set in and I began to try and get out of Max's grip as Jay held me down with him.

    "Little dino please, it will be okay. It will be over soon I promise. Just a few little pricks and we can get out of here." Max pleaded with me. "NO! No needles! I don't wanna!" I yelled as Max and Jay finally managed to hold me down. Unfortunately, due to my meltdown earlier I am already exhausted. I began to cry as the exhaustion set in and my body gave out. "Oh bunny..." Jay says sympathetically realizing what happened and immediately sat beside me, covering me up with my blanket. Max began to pet my head as I struggled to keep my eyes open and the doctor quickly gave me my shots.

    After a while I woke up, still exhausted. "Hey buddy, I need you to stay awake a few more minutes, okay? I promise you can sleep right after." Jay says gently. I look around and see its just Jay, Max, and I in the room. I whine and tear up as the feeling of what happened earlier set in. "It's alright little dino, we just need to know what you want to do. Do you want to handle it or do you want Jay to while I wait outside?" Max spoke softly. The thought of him leaving the room made me whine instantly and grab onto him, shocking all three of us.

Too exhausted to care, I point to Jay and close my eyes again, curling up slightly on Max's lap. Jay chuckled softly "Alright then bud, you go back to sleep and let us help you." Was the last thing I heard before falling asleep in the comfort of Max's touch.

HEYO ITS BEEN FOREVER IM SO SORRY!!! After my CG left I was seriously depressed and needed some time to breathe but work took over most of that time! Anyways I'm back and better now so hopefully y'all can forgive my absence! Love y'all so much!!!! Have a good day my fellow littles and maybe cgs or others!!!

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