Money, Money, Money! (2)

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Johnny arrives at the mall, it being your favourite one, pulling into the dead carpark infront of the large shopping centre which has barely any cars inside.

You shrug it off, stepping out the car and inhaling the sweet summer air before making your way inside. It being about 4PM and the mall has no one in.

You walk until bumping into Simon who looks down a you with a smug grin before tapping your ass and pushing you along slightly the the centre of the mall.

You look up, seeing John stood there with a cigarette between his lips before he puts it out in the ashtray on the bin and throws it away.

He's dressed in a lovely light blue blazer with a white shirt beneath paired with some black trousers stopping just above his ankles and above the top of his shoes.

John smirks, looking down at you with that grin plastered on his face. “Hey Darlin’, I rented your favourite mall” He mentions, his voice smooth unlike the usual rough texture to it.

“Yeah..” is all you can manage out, looking around as you're unsure on where to start before John starts to speak up and offer where first.

“How about that lingerie shop?” He questions, a smirk on his face as he knows that as soon as you put it on, he'll rip it right off and take you there and then.

Barracks Bunny (M! reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant