Kyle "Gaz" Garrick

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As you head back to your room and get ready for the night out, you put on a pair of tight fitting black jeans with a studded belt and some trainers while on your top half you wear a tight mesh crop-top which hugs your figure with a jacket that Kyle brought you for your birthday the other year.

Whenever you went out, wether with one of them or all of them, you always found a way to make atleast one jealous due to your actions. Sometimes Simon would catch you grinding on another man, or Johnny'll find you trying to snag a kiss of some stranger and it'll all come with a consequence but you just love seeing how riled up they get when you kiss another man who they don't even know.

You leave your room with your leather jacket and trainers on and wait for the others to show up.

Simon is the first to show at the door, slapping your ass as his outfit consists of a button-up white shirt and some black jeans. The next is Price, his hair neatly combed while he wears some smart trousers and a white shirt which is slightly unbuttoned with a blazer-like jacket. Gaz shows up after in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt which shows his body off perfectly, his iconic cap on still. The last to arrive is Johnny, taking too long to fix up his messy mohawk as he rushes out in some jeans, a black shirt and a blue jacket.

As you walk out, you go next to Gaz and end up having to sit on his lap due to the lack of space in Price's four-seater. You make yourself comfy as Gaz holds onto your waist, your head on his shoulder as Ghost chats with Gaz about some random thing you don't pay attention to.

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