Money, Money, Money! (1)

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Ever since the time with John Price where he ripped your best lingerie, you had been ignoring him and getting pissy whenever he tried to speak to you.

"Hun! Please, i'm sorry" Can be heard from John wherever You had walked.

If you went into the mess hall, John would be there apologizing for it.

You ignored him and would constantly flirt with Johnny, a smirk on your face whenever you did.

It was supposed to be John's night tonight but who cares, he might but you really don't after all: you are giving him the deserved silent treatment.

Umknown to you, John had spoken to the others befire hand: having explained his idea which involved Johnny getting you to the mall by 4PM today, Simon guarding you as John would meet you there.

You went to your room, seeing an outfit laid out on your bed with a note scribbled in Johnny's awful handwriting: 'Meet me near where the cars are parked' is what it reads.

You then put on the outfit along with some added on stuff as in an expensive chain, a ring and a spray with aphrosidic mixed in: knowing that John absolutely loves it.

You put the cleaner shoes on and went out to where the cars are parked to see Johnny opening the passenger door which you step inside.

He hands you an envelope which says to read at 7:30PM, about 4 hours or so from now. You put it in your pocket as Johnny drives, being chauffeured to the mall, Which unknown to you, John had rented out with only the workers inside.

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