Sleepy cuddles

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When Soap carries you back into base, making sure to put you in your pajamas before he tucks you into bed and lets you sleep.

As it gets later and later while you sleep, unaware that it's tipping it down outside and starts to thunder loud.

As it hits 4AM, having to be up in three hours, you startle awake. The noise hurting your ears as you start to get slightly scared by all of the thunder crashes.

Fixing up your pajamas and stepping into your slippers, you start to make youe way into Gaz’s room which to no suprise: he’s fast asleep under his covers in just some pajama bottoms.

You freeze outside the door, thunder crashing louder and louder before Gaz hears you step on a creaky floorboard. His voice deep and rough, clearly tired as he speaks up, “Come on honey,”

You nod and close the door behind you slightly: Gaz opening the covers for you as you climb in and cuddle into his slightly bigger frame.

You head lays upon his chest before drifting off to sleep while Gaz rubs your head, running his fingers through your hair and gently covering your ears to supress the large booms coming from the thunder storm outside.

His hands staying on your ears with his head on your chest as he drifts off to sleep aswell, the digital clock on his bedside table reading ‘4:26AM’.

You snuggle into him before sleeping and only waking up to a pillow being infront of you with your arms wrapped around it while Gaz is behind you in the bed: his knee between your thighs as he grinds against your ass. Staying quiet as he tries not to wake you up yet he's already done so, the clock now reading ‘8:50AM’.

Barracks Bunny (M! reader)Where stories live. Discover now