Chapter 9: Bonds

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"The burrito bites!" Hot Rod yelled, jerking his servo away. Enigma growled at him and bared her sharp dentas, rolling around on her mat as she tried to untangle herself from the nest of blankets she'd trapped herself in.

Jetfire laughed and pulled one corner, making her yelp and roll onto her face, her little pedes kicking uselessly out the other end.

Bumblebee snickered and went over, rolling her onto her back and patting her helm as she wiggled unsuccessfully.

Chromia just sighed and watched the little mechs, seeing how they also somehow got snared in the fluffy trap as well. "You guys are a mystery," She said, kneeling down and easily helping them.

Once they were free, she easily picked Enigma up and helped her stand, unwrapping the blanket that restrained the small femme. She was about to put the blanket down when Enigma's thin appendages took it from her, the turquoise sparkling draping it over her helm and holding her edges in her servos, looking up with a big smile.

"You really like that blanket, don't you?" Chromia smiled and rubbed her helm. Enigma giggled and nodded.

"Come on slowpoke!" Hot Rod yelled and ran to the entrance with the other mechlings, "Let's go play!"

Her face lit up and she ran after them, waving to Chromia as she left. The blanket fluttered behind her as she ran as fast as she could to catch up with the older bots, holding her arms wide.

"Over here, Iggy!" Jet called with a grin and waved her to them. She walked out into the main room only to see it was empty.

"Most of the others aren't going to be up for a while so we have the run of the place for now," Bumblebee explained, waving to the whole wide open area, "Can we play Tag?"

Enigma tilted her helm curiously, "What's Tag?" She asked.

The other three looked at her, flabbergasted she'd never heard of the game before. Bumblebee smiled and walked over.

"It's simple," He said, and pointed at the other two, "Someone is it and the others try to run away from them. If they touch you and yell tag, you're it and then it's your turn to try and catch someone else."

She looked at them with wide, excited optics and nodded. "Right! In that case..." Jetfire grinned then quickly hit Hot Rod on the shoulder, "TAG! You're it!" He yelled and took off running. Bumblebee quickly sprinted away, leaving Enigma standing there.

"Hey!" Roddy cried and started running.

"Run Iggy!" Jet yelled, seeing her not moving. She looked and noticed Hot Rod coming for her, quickly jumping back as he took a swipe at her. She grabbed the blanket and held it close as she ran to duck behind some crates.

She quickly slid in between two stacked next to each other, grinning when she heard Hot Rod yell in frustration, unable to follow.

The morning went on and she successfully managed to avoid being tagged by any of them. That was until Jetfire used Shadow to get some extra reach.

She yelled and chased him angrily, "Cheater!" She cried. Bee and Hot Rod both stood off to the side, laughing uncontrollably at her reaction.

Jet grinned and even ran backwards to tease her, waving as he effortlessly kept out of her reach. She growled and let her tentacles out, stabbing them into the ground by him and launching herself.

The white mechling yelped as he was suddenly tackled, Enigma dropping her blanket so she could grab him around the stomach and send him to the ground. Hot Rod was now rolling around on the floor laughing so much.

She quickly slapped her palm down on his chassis, "Tag!" She yelled with a victorious grin.

"You cheated!" He objected, pointing at her tentacles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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