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Heyyyyy guys! It's time for the challllllnnggee!!!! So get ready! (Srry for the late update.)

Remus: I'm kinda scared

Kaz: not a problem to me. I just want my money

Hermione: we have to make a plan to actually defeat them

Annabeth: already did that *hands all 14 page paper for battle strategies*

Katie: you did all.... That?

Annabeth: why are you surprised?

Katie: Idk

Hermione: why does it say here ' worst enemy: All' at least maybe add one specific enemy!

Annabeth: the enemy is: all of them combined

Hermione: COMBINED?

Ananbeth: sadly yes

Remus: Merlin help me

Annabeth: Ok, LETS DO THIS
Leo: you said I was gonna blow up stuff!

Jesper: I never said that!

Leo: I am gonna blow up and Idc what u want

Connor: guys don't fight we need all reinforcements as possible


Pastel: *carrying 4 year old* 🎶oui oui mon amie je m'appelle Lafayette

Kaz: shut the f*** up

Pastel: ok ok sorry *shows the kid candy* you want it?

4year old: yesh yesh

Pastel: too bad * hides candy*

4year old: NONONO *screaming at the top of their lungs*

Pastel: 🎶 Oh look what you made me do look what u just made me do look what you just made me do


4year old: *crying and screaming*

Pastel: *singing*

Kaz: SHUT THE BLOODY F******* **** HELLL UPPP  *takes out knife and throws it at baby*

Pastel: OMG *runs away with baby*

Kaz: I want my money
Kaz Brekker-Done ✔️

Hermione: GUYS! THERE IS ONE CLEAR RULE! Do not pull the fire alarm

*cut to Piper and Leo standing next to one*

Leo: wait!

Piper: what

Leo: you can't pull the fire alarm

Piper: why not

Leo: you have to create a fire first

Piper: ..... DO IT

*one of her books get burned*

Hermione: AGGHHHHHHHHHH! Now face the wrath of Hermione Jean Granger!!!!!!!!!!

Ron: I am telling you: run

Harry: mhm she can be very scary. You don't want to face her wrath

Piper: crap
Hermione Granger- done ✔️
Remus: guys I know you are here. James, Sirius come out

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