Chapter 40

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Caspain walked his way alone to the princess Rhaenyra's chamber, only to be stopped by two of her knightguards suddenly blocking the blonde boy's way to the entrance at the same time. He was taken aback, making himself flinch a bit.

"May I ask what this is?" He frowned

The knightguards stood firmly and still, "The princess is with the queen, she does not want to be disturbed."

"Well, I am just about to call them for breakfast. I don't see any problem with tha-" Caspain was shoved back when he tried to pry in. He scowled, "You do not touch me." he pointed his finger to the knightguards

"Forgive us, my lord, but the princess does not want to be disturbed." The knight said. His voice was clear and dominant.

Caspain sighed and wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb, "Listen. My father— the hand, would not be happy about this. All I ask is to escort the princess along with the queen for breakfast. They are needed."

"The princess had given us her strict orders. She will be out anytime sooner." The large built man insisted.

From the inside of the princess' chamber, Rhaenyra heard the commotion. She glances at the sleeping queen beside her before slowly sitting down and stepping foot onto the floor. She slowly opens the door, slightly ajar to peak her head. This caused the men from outside to look.

"What's the matter?" Rhaenyra asked

"Princess, your presence and the queen's are needed, it's morning dine." Caspain explained

Rhaenyra sighed momentarily before nodding, "I understand. Please go back and tell my father that his wife will be there shortly. Just give us a moment." 

Caspain nodded but he stood right in his place without moving an inch, "You may go now." Rhaenyra officially dismissed. Caspain then looked at Rhaenyra with despair before he bowed then glared at the knightguards on Rhaenyra's doorsteps. Right after the blonde walked away, Rhaenyra thanked her men in gratitude before closing the door and getting back inside.

She noticed that the queen was still sleeping on her bed and so she didn't bother to wake her up. She went to her wardrobe before picking out her dragonriding suit. Rhaenyra then mindlessly unclasped her dress from the back before letting it fall. Without any worry, slipped her dragonriding suit on with her bare back facing the queen who never made a sound since last night of their sexual activity. 

Once the princess was done, she turned around to see Alicent still sounded asleep. She gave her one last glance, a moment of stare before approaching the door without knowing that the queen was watching her the whole time, secretly sleeping in her presence right after she heard her speak at the door to Caspain. She slowly fluttered her eyes open once again, only to catch a glimpse of the chamber's door being closed by the princess, and now she's left there all alone. Assuming that Rhaenyra won't be coming with her to dine with everyone since Alicent saw the princess change into her dragonriding suit, it was a relief to her but yet a little disappointment. She knows that there will be a thick tension presented between them right after what happened last night.

Yes, last night. Where she and Rhaenyra had made love. Love?

How silly of her to name it that. The princess had touched her long before her husband does. It was becoming too much for the queen. Until this morning she could still feel the princess' tendered touches in between her thighs, she could still feel Rhaenyra's soft kisses on her skin— it will stay right there for awhile, for that was a memory she would never be able to forget. A night filled with sweat, lust, and smell of sex. 

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